Saturday, December 22, 2018

Christmas Festivities

This week has been super busy as we countdown the days to Christmas. On Sunday the kids made some Christmas cards for their Grandparents- I was really happy with how fun they turned out. They are definitely homemade :)

On Monday we went on our traditional outing to Wayne County Light Fest. The kids love going here every year. This year the car line in was probably the longest we've been in but it moved quickly and I gave the kids their traditional doughnuts and juice to help the time pass more quickly.The lights were fun as always and the kids all had fun getting to drive for a bit. Tyler decided that this was the boys last year driving though- they are getting way to big to sit on his lap.

Tuesday morning I picked up groceries, volunteered and watched my friend's two kids. Her youngest is 11 months and when I turned my back to her, she pulled down the girl's Christmas tree on herself. I felt like the most negligent babysitter ever. But thankfully it was just a small tree and she was totally fine (as was the tree). That evening I babysat for another friend so her and her hubby could go out on their anniversary date. It was kind of fun hanging with someone else's two little ones for the night- way more chill than my four ;)

Wednesday morning I had the fun of trying to get supplies for Lucy's party. I ended up spending way too much money on craft supplies because it just seemed like a really cute craft that parents would actually save(snowman fingerprint magnet). 

After those errands I had to take Penny to her official speech eval with the school district. On my way there my mind was lost in thoughts over if I should stick with the craft or not and I honestly was not paying a bit of attention to speed limits and my lead foot. Not paying a bit of attention UNTIL I saw the officer sneakily parked at the side of the road. I looked down at my speed and knew I was a goner. Penny very cheerfully alerted me of the police lights behind me. I was very apologetic because I felt extremely bad. I was going a ridiculous 22 over and I told him I was grateful that he pulled me over because I was lost in my thoughts and needed that wake up call. Thankfully he took pity on this hot mess mom and I didn't get a ticket. T am so grateful for that tender, undeserved, mercy.

The Speech Eval itself went smoothly. Penny was very cooperative and I am 99% sure she'll qualify for services. That means that she will probably be going to the Early Childhood Center a couple times a week to work on her speech with a small group and a teacher. Hopefully that will help her to speak more clearly.

Thursday Tyler was off work and since we had nothing going on that morning we took Penny to the Hands On Museum in Ann Arbor. We hit a lot of traffic on the way there (apparently driving in rain is challenging) but Penny had a good time once we got there. Because it was just her for once, she finally got to go into the room that was for kids ages 4 and under. It was fun because it was not as super crowded as the rest of the museum tends to get. 

Thursday afternoon I hung out at my friend's house for a bit. She was feeling kind of down and overwhelmed so I went to give her some emotional support and also helped her with folding laundry. I was glad to be able to help her and grateful for her friendship.

That evening we surprised the kids by taking them out to Chili's for dinner as part of the countdown. It was nice to not have to worry about cooking, dishes and messes and it's always good to have family time. Usually I love the food there but this time around it didn't taste so good. Maybe it was the cook that night?

Friday was a long, busy day. I ran Lucy's class party that morning and that felt very chaotic and exhausting. My cute craft did not work out quite as planned- mostly because the fact that their was only one of me so I couldn't help quite as much as needed. Some kids gloped on the paint a bit too much so it took too long to dry. Unfortunately kids tried to use Sharpie's on the wet paint and all the new Sharpies I bought ended up being ruined. I would say about half the magnets turned out cute- thankfully Lucy's was one of them. 

There were 4 other stations and I think the snowman doughnut hole kabob/snack station was an obvious hit. The snowball toss one seemed to go well too. Pin the nose on the snowman seemed chaotic every time I looked over and the lady who ran "Don't Eat Pete" had obviously never played it before and did not play it quite right. She kept the kids blindfolded the entire time. She was supposed to blindfold the kid while the rest of the group picked which square was Pete and then she needed to take the blindfold off and they would try not to "eat Pete". She left the blindfold on the entire time so the kids were picking m&m's off squares blind- it was real weird, ha ha! Honestly I am just so relieved to have the party over. It was a fiasco setting up with Lucy's teacher gone the entire week (her teacher's dad had passed away) and I think it was such a fiasco because the teacher wasn't there. Now I have a whole month break until the Valentine's Day Party.

Friday night we had our annual Graham Cracker House Party. This year we invited our old Milford neighbors (the Farquharson's) and some new neighbors (the Deaplonty's). It was a lot of fun! Tyler spent the morning building houses for all the kids and even built a replica of our own house. Everyone had a lot of fun decorating and hanging out together. We even played "Don't Eat Pete" - the correct way- and some Pin the Nose on the Snowman. It was seriously a great night all around and I am so grateful for new and old friends. The only not great thing was the Ben and Beck ate way too much candy and then proceeded to run around so neither kid felt too great by the end of the night. 

Saturday morning I overheard Lucy tell Penny that it was not morning yet and Penny replied with "I know- I didn't hear the cock-a-doodle." I wasn't aware that we've ever had a rooster nearby , ha ha! We had tickets to go see the new Grinch movie that morning and the kids were still a hot mess from their sugar overload. We were really regretting buying tickets ahead of time but it ended up being a good time. I love that all our kids are able to sit through movies now.

And now believe it or not we only have 3 more sleeps until Christmas!

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