Saturday, December 15, 2018

Hot Cocoa, PT Conference, Ward Christmas Party

On Sunday Tyler got to participate in a nonet (a group of nine singers) and they sang "O Holy Night" for our Ward, for the Ward that meets after ours and for a Stake Christmas Party. They did really good but it made for a long Sunday because we had to get to church early (the joys of having only one vehicle) and we got stay late after church. I opted out on letting him go to the party alone. I really like my lazy Sundays.

Tuesday I volunteered in Ben's classroom. It's gotten better- I feel less critiqued and more helpful. He usually has me sit at the back table with the kids who struggle with focus or writing and I usually can't be super helpful to all of them because I am outnumbered but I do enough that I feel good about myself. Or maybe I am just learning to worry less, ha ha.

Tuesday night I had my annual Christmas Bunco. For Christmas Bunco we actually don't play Bunco but we do other games. We did a Saran Wrap ball that is always funny- people get so intense about trying to unwrap the gifts inside. I decided to be the opposite of everyone and I rolled the dice really slowly when it was my turn (you roll for doubles and then it's your turn to unwrap the ball). This really irked my one friend- she said she couldn't watch my slowness. I apparently enjoy annoying people because that was the best part of the saran wrap ball- especially seeing how I only got a pack of gum out of it. Maybe I should've rolled faster 😉

After the Saran Wrap ball we had a gift exchange. Everyone was given a present and then we rolled dice and the numbers determined if we got to unwrap, if we had to pass it left or right or if we could steal someone else's gift. That was a ton of fun! I did not end up with the gift I wanted due to a poor decision but I did get a cute "Merry Christmas" sign. Only problem is it is a door sign and both my doors already have things- I might re-gift it.

Wednesday I had a sub job and it was chaotic. That seemed to be the theme of my sub jobs this week. I got there and she was missing her sub plans- thankfully another teacher called her and got them for me. But then we had the Holiday Shop and I had no idea what I was supposed to do. I ended up bringing the whole class there, only to find out that I was only supposed to send a couple students there at a time. Then there was teaching math and class rotations- neither things are my favorite. It was a LONG day.

Wednesday night I got to take the boys to Cub Scouts since Tyler was having Scouts at our house. It turns out that a lot of my friends take their kids to Wednesday night activities too so it was a nice social hour...I suppose. I ended up watching one friends baby so she could socialize with her friends who were cleaning out the Primary Closet. Her baby is ridiculously heavy and I thought my arms were going to die but I did end up getting him to fall asleep and then there were the nice baby snuggles.

Thursday the kids had a half day and Thursday also marked the first of our 12 days to Christmas Countdown. For our first day of the Countdown we had hot cocoa. I went all out with Candy Canes, Whipped Cream, and even Sprinkles. They were totally sugared out and happy. Afterwards we watched "Arthur Christmas." It was a good afternoon.

That night we had PT Conferences. I had scheduled them at night so Tyler could come but he ended up needing to help someone in the Ward so I got to take all the kids. Steven's went well. He seems to be doing great in Math, Science and Social Studies but needs a little work in Reading and Writing- which is weird because his state tests showed opposite results. I think maybe his struggle with Reading and Writing in class is a lack of focus. According to his teacher he is chatty but a really good kid- feels very conflicting. Ben's conference also went well. He seems to be doing really well in everything and finally adjusting to the new school- phew. Lucy didn't have a conference because her teacher had an emergency. She was pretty upset that she didn't get a conference like everyone else *sigh*

After Conferences the kids had to all take a picture with these awesome wings that are made of feathers created by everyone in the school. 

Friday was my other chaotic sub day. It was popcorn day, hat day and just plain crazy. Everyone came in trying to give me money and show me their hats and then I had one student who was particularly sad that he forgot his hat. Then the day was just long and antsy since the kids only had one half an hour special and lots of math worksheets to do. By the time we reached the end of the day they were all through paying attention and free time was needed. So the last 30 minutes I gave it to them. I really feel like these kids need more recess- I hope someday soon schools start realizing what a disservice they are doing to kids by taking away that.

Friday night we had our Ward Christmas Party. I started off trying to help out and at one point was pouring water and accidentally left a trail of water in my wake- I was super helpful, ha ha! The party itself was really good. I ended up sitting with my friend Chalsea for a lot of it and catching up with her. Then during the show Steven did an awesome lip sync with some buddies to "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas." He was reluctant at first but ended up getting really into and doing a good job. I think he actually really ended up loving the attention too. Maybe there is a future for him in drama after all?? 

Saturday morning I went to a birthday breakfast for some of my friends. I had some strawberry waffles that were super delicious and was literally not hungry again until dinner time. That afternoon we took the kids to 5 & Below as part of our Countdown. Originally we were going to have them pick out presents for each other but we decided to have them pick out presents for a family in our Ward instead. Later we are going to drop them off secretly. I am excited for the opportunity this will give them to give without someone else knowing- selfless giving.

Also this week we got the bill for Penny's Speech Eval through the hospital. I cannot believe how much they want us to pay them for 30 minutes of their time. It is ridiculous and I wish the pediatrician had never sent us there. It was such a waste of money. And on top of that Tyler still can't find the part for his truck at the right price point. I know Heavenly Father is really testing my faith in having another baby because our finances look pretty sad but I am trying to be faithful.

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