Saturday, November 10, 2018

Bronner's and Snow

On Monday I got a last minute sub job at the kid's school. I hate last minute sub jobs because I find it stressful trying to get some one to watch Penny. The 2 people close by that I like to call on for help both had sick kids that day and so I started to panic that I wouldn't be able to find anyone to watch her. Thankfully my friend in Milford was able to watch her. I also had to ask Tyler to take Steven to his Orthodontist Appointment (where Steven got his braces off!). It felt so complicated just to work for one day. I miss the days when I used to get asked ahead of time which made things way more simple. At least the sub job itself went really smoothly and it was overall a good day. 

Tuesday the kids and Tyler had off for Election Day. After Tyler did his civic duty we went to Bronner's to fulfill our tradition of the kids picking out a Christmas Ornament to buy. It's so nice to go before Thanksgiving because we totally miss the chaos and crowds. For once our kids were real decisive and they all picked out their ornaments quickly. Usually they take FOREVER to make a decision but we were done in under a half hour and then we actually had some time to stroll the store and look at fun Christmas decorations. It was a good outing. 

The kids look freezing in the pictures because it was colder than expected and they did not wear proper jackets. Definitely less outside posing for photos this year.

I always plan to take photos of the ornaments after we buy them and I always forget that they box them up so we can't take photos until we get home. Below is the ornament reveal. Lucy was planning on getting a mermaid marshmallow snowman but was immediately distracted by this "big sister" one and did not want anything else. It's clear she loves being Penny's big sister. Penny kept saying she didn't know what she wanted while the other's were picking out theirs. She started to get upset but then she saw a horse and was smitten. The first horse ornament she saw was breakable so we managed to redirect her to this one.

Ben had picked out a marshmallow snowman in a fishing boat and was all set until he saw this Spartan one while we were strolling the store. Even though we don't root for Michigan State he had to have this this one so he ended up switching ornaments. I'm pretty sure it was the sword and armor that persuaded him to choose this one.  And Steven was set on getting a bird from the beginning and when he saw this GIANT owl he had to have it. I warned him that it is the same size as their tree- he said he'd just put it on the bottom branch. Their tree will look real amazing this year ;)

After we were done with our ornament shopping we had to head home so that I could get Lucy to a birthday party for her friend Camille from school. The party was at Build a Bear and Lucy got quite spoiled. All the party guests got to pick out any bear they wanted, a sound to put in it, an outfit and shoes for it and then they were given a tote bag to put it in. Apparently Lucy was still in a decisive mood from our ornament picking because she picked everything out quickly which is very unlike her. I appreciated her quickness though. While she was "building" the bear I got to have a nice chat with my friend Stacie (Jenna's mom) and we even went to Bath and Body Works (since Build a Bear was in the mall) to sniff (and buy) candles. I think both Lucy and I had a good time at this party. 

Here's Miss Lucy and her bear (Kylie) and also her friend Jenna :)

Tuesday night we celebrated Laci's 30th Birthday at the Cheesecake Factory. It was not my most fun outing ever because there was some tension with one girl that was there and then when she left the others felt the need to talk not super nicely about her. It was really off putting. While I agree that the one girl has some issues, I also don't think a group saying not nice things about her behind her back is ok. I probably should have been a better person and stopped that talking altogether but instead I sat in uncomfortable silence. Honestly I feel like taking neutral ground and jumping onto my own little island away from it all. I feel too old for this silliness. 

Wednesday I got my permanent crown put on my tooth and it didn't go well. I have already been in once to get the bite fixed and it is still not feeling like it fits in right. My teeth hurt and my jaw aches but I hate to go back in for a third time. Tyler tells me I need to just stop grinding my teeth at night. He's probably right but that's not happening anytime soon.

I subbed again Wednesday afternoon. This time I was asked ahead of time and it was at my kid's old school. It was so nice to be back in that familiar territory and I got to catch up with Mrs. Boyd- both boys had her for a teacher.

Wednesday night the boys learned the dreadful truth that the Tooth Fairy isn't real. They were really questioning it so Tyler felt it was time they knew. They both thought it was pretty funny that it was us doing it and they both promised to keep it secret from the girls- we'll see how that goes. This almost led to the Santa conversation but I made worried eyes at Tyler and forced him to abort. I am not ready to loose the magic of this one yet- at least not for Ben. 

Thursday was spent running errands, going to story time at the library and making a meal for a friend that was taking her family practitioner boards. Then came Friday and on Friday came SNOW. It really is a beautiful thing and it was the perfect packing snow and the weather was actually such that you could go outside and not freeze BUT it's November. And it's really hard for me to get excited about snow in November because I know it's just the beginning. I also had kept Lucy home from school that day because she had been coughing all night and all she wanted to do was go play in the snow. I was trying so hard to get her to relax and feel better but finally I relented and let her play in it.

Friday night Tyler and I had a Temple Date so I can continue to get the confirmation and peace I need about having another baby. That confirmation is still there and I am beginning to be excited about the prospect of another one- it's just my darn logical brain that gets in the way constantly and scares me to death. I've been thinking we'll start trying in the spring. That way I will have a little bit of time where all the kids are in school before the baby comes. I was testing the waters with the kids the other night and asked them how they would feel about another baby. Steven said that he wished I would have triplets- that's an awful thing to say. Penny said she wants to be the baby forever so if we are able to have another one she is in for a rude awakening.

Saturday was super busy. The boys had a canned food drive with scouts and I had Super Saturday at the church that morning. The classes were meh but I got in some good socializing so that was nice. Then that afternoon I took Penny to a birthday party while Tyler had to once again take the boys to another scout activity- it was about first aid emergency response and held at the home of a dad who is an ER Dr, very fitting. 

Penny was super shy at the birthday party at first but it was at Air Time and as soon as it was time to jump she had lots of fun. She loved running in circles on the trampolines and jumping unto the foam pit. However, she wanted nothing to do with the basketball hoops- she told me she didn't know how to do that stuff. She so takes after me. When they were done there we all drove down to a Frozen Yogurt place and the kids sugared out. It was a good time for Penny.

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