Saturday, November 17, 2018

Exploding Glass, Broken Truck, Speech Eval, Thanksgiving Party

I started off my week with a substitute job at the boys' old school. Tyler was off work for Veteran's Day so he got to play Mr. Mom and watch Penny and take Steven to another Orthodontist appointment. My sub job went smoothly which it always seems to at the old school. While it's typically harder to get there (because I have to get help with bus stops too), I do prefer subbing there because it's in my comfort zone. The teachers are also much more confidence boosting- I got a sweet text the next day from the teacher saying "Thanks for being an amazing sub." Felt real nice :)

Tuesday was a really good day up until I decided to make dinner. I was in rush because I knew it was going to take awhile to make but I had Bunco that night. As I was starting to prep the food, I set my glass casserole dish on a burner and then got distracted with the fact that I need to steam some broccoli. I turned on the burner that I thought was under the pot and started chopping broccoli. I was just finishing up with the broccoli when I heard a loud boom. It turns out I turned on the wrong burner and heated up my glass casserole dish instead. There were glass pieces EVERYWHERE. So in my attempt to rush I made things ten times worse and had a huge mess to clean up. There were pieces in the burners, in the pantry, even in the bathroom- it was awful. I had already cleaned the house that day so that made for my second time cleaning the kitchen. I even ended up getting a little glass piece stuck in my foot which was fun. 

After all that frustration 6pm rolled around and I realized Tyler was still not home and I needed to leave to Bunco soon. I called him and found out that he was stranded at work because his truck wouldn't start. I wanted to just sit down and cry. After the glass craziness I was so looking forward to escaping to Bunco and now it didn't look like I was going to make it. Thankfully a great friend (and my minister) offered up her husband to watch my kids until Tyler was able to get them. I took her up on it and ended up having a great time at Bunco- even though I didn't win.

During Bunco I found out that Tyler was able to start his truck BUT on his way back the clutch gave out. He ended up having to call a tow truck and getting it towed back to our house. My friend's husband then dropped all the kids off at our house. His truck dying yet again was really disheartening. It feels like we just fixed it and now we are a one car household again. We do not have it in our monthly budget to take on another car payment so once again I have to wait for him to fix it and take him to work if I ever need the car. With our finances so tight it's really hard to get on board for having a 5th child. I'm struggling with my faith.

Wednesday morning Tyler had taken off so we could take Penny to get evaluated at a medical center for her speech. They had said two parents needed to come but they ended up sticking Tyler in another room where he observed us on a video- pretty stalkerish- but evidently he didn't need to be there. I am still glad he took off though since it's always nice to have someone around for new things. She qualified for services- she has a severe phonological delay. For a mere $45/30min we can get her help. They wanted her to come twice a week. Yet another thing not in our budget so I got my butt in gear and called the early childhood program for the schools and scheduled her a speech eval through them. Hopefully this time when she gets evaluated it will be enough for her to qualify for their FREE help.

Wednesday night Steven got to teach his Scout Den to pass off a requirement. It had been hard getting him to get the motivation to prepare for this and it had mostly been done last minute but his Scout Leader told us afterwards that he did a great job- phew! So glad that is done.

Thursday I was stranded at home since I didn't feel like dropping Tyler off at work. I had thought a friend might be able to take me and Penny to story time but it turned out she was having car issues too. It was ok because I ended up having a really productive day. I got a lot of things that needed to be done around the house done and I worked with Penny on her alphabet which I had been neglecting as of late.

Friday I got another sub job. It was at the kids' new school and was for a teacher that I had already subbed for before. I was sad she didn't personally request me but I was happy to sub for her again because she has a good class. Besides some issues with unlocking the computers (and kids who kept locking them up before we were done) it went really well. I have been having a hard time getting people to watch Penny as of late though. I want to keep subbing but I wish getting a babysitter wasn't so challenging. 

Friday night we had a Thanksgiving party for our Primary Class (Steven's class). I don't know why I do these things to myself. It was complete chaos. I am pretty sure the kids had fun- which is probably why I do it- but oh golly it was exhausting. Especially after a day of subbing. The kids did some Thanksgiving coloring, ate a Thanksgiving "feast" (turkey sandwiches and chips), did a gratitude game and then had pie. The party went extremely quickly so I guess that was the silver lining in the crazy.

Saturday morning was the Primary Program Practice. Barf. When I was in the Presidency we discontinued these and I was grateful for that. They are not my favorite thing. The kids don't want to be sitting still on a Saturday morning and so their focus is just not there. I was probably just as off task and distracting as the kids seeing how I didn't really want to be there either. I got super ADD when they insisted on practicing this one song for the FOURTH time. Seriously. They really shouldn't have complicated the song so much with so many different people singing different parts but I'm sure it will sound amazing tomorrow. It better after so many practices.

Tonight Tyler and I are headed to a friend's house to hang out- it should be a nice way to end the week :)

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