Also, we tried out the new ac a couple of days ago and it already gave us grief- the outside unit never shut off. It's a bit frustrating that we already have to call them back but I am glad we noticed this before next summer. Hopefully they get out soon to fix the problem.
Tuesday I got started working on the top cabinet boxes and by the end of Thursday the boxes were all done. Now all that's left is fixing up the top cabinet doors that I messed up. It feels so good to finally be making some noticeable progress on this eternal project!

Also on Tuesday I volunteered in Ben's classroom and I felt like I had much better experience this time- I felt more competent, ha ha! It was good to feel useful and I am feeling better about my weekly commitment to volunteer.
Wednesday I had an Arby's date with Corinne and her daughter. Then they came to our house and Corinne braided hair. She nicely offered to do Penny's hair for pics so we spent the afternoon experimenting on what to do. She also did my hair and then Lucy's when Lucy got home from school. Since I have no talent in the hair department, it's always fun to have someone make us look fancy.
This week Tyler was not able to check out a car from work (his truck is still broken) and so there were a couple days I went without a car rather than making the effort of dropping and picking him up from work. This meant that on Thursday we walked to the library for story time. While it's a bummer to not have a car, it was beautiful weather for a walk so I can't complain. Honestly the weather has been all over the place this week though. We have had days in the 70's and then days in the 50's.
Thursday night I went on a walk with Stefanie in Milford. Goodness I miss that cute town. It was Girl's Night in town so the bakery was open and even though we are both trying to eat better (that's why we decided to go walking instead of go out for ice cream) we both couldn't resist the temptation. This eating better stuff is really rough. I also got to talk to her about some neat spiritual experiences I had and that was nice. I enjoy talking to her about Gospel related things, maybe someday it will lead to something...
Friday we were able to babysit my friend's baby again and once again Penny was in heaven, she really loves babies. Afterwards we ran some errands- getting some last minute things for family pics the next day. Of course while in Target we had to hit the Halloween aisle and have a little bit of fun with a cow head.
Friday after school we picked up Ben's friend, Andrea, (after picking up Tyler from work) and went to the Cranbrook Science Museum. It's free on the first Friday of the month and I felt like it would be a good family (and friend) hurrah. They had a scavenger hunt for the kids and the kids really enjoyed finding the different exhibits for the hunt- some were more challenging to find then others. It's a small museum but the kids still seemed to have a good time so I'm really glad I made the effort to get us there.
Do these pics seem familiar? Penny has been fed to T-rex before and that bear has definitely made a presence in our pictures before.
Penny thought that the rock looked like a unicorn horn- she was pretty excited.
Saturday morning I ran a mile and this was the first time I timed myself. It took me 10 minutes- I'm not super impressed with myself. Apparently I need to do more cardio. Afterwards we spent the morning prepping for family pics- despite the rain outside. I was really hoping we'd get lucky and the rain would go away but we didn't get super lucky. We had about 10 out of the 30 minutes when we were able to get our pics taken. The photographer did get a family pic and individual shots in that short time frame but we will probably end up doing a redo next weekend. I just hate to go through all the effort of getting everyone ready again but I also want to get my moneys worth.
The rest of Saturday was spent watching Conference. It was a monumental day- today they announced that in 2019 church will only be 2 hours instead of the 3. That's going to be quite the change and while most people are excited for a shorter church time- I feel kind of sad. I think it's probably just because I struggle with change and things are going to be very different. It's weird to think that Penny probably won't even remember the days of 3 hour church. And that Steven will be able to say, "Back in my day we had to go to church for 3 hours!" Super weird.
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