Sunday, October 21, 2018

Grams, Doughnuts and Daycation

Monday the boys had their last Archery class and Steven won the class competition and earned himself a gold arrow. I was surprised, I had no idea he was doing so well. Ben also hit the bulls eye during class which was equally awesome. I am glad they ended the class on such a high note.

On Tuesday Grams flew into town and that was definitely the highlight of the week. I was a bad daughter and accidentally took a sub job the afternoon she flew in- I thought it was for Monday afternoon when I took it. But Tyler saved the day and picked up Grams from the airport so I didn't have to cancel on the sub job. I'm glad I didn't have to cancel because it was for Steven's teacher and I was anxious to see what his class was like. 

Subbing for Steven's class was a good revelation. His teacher last year often complained about Steven's inability to focus but his teacher this year said she didn't notice him having focus problems. Being in his class I realized why. He is in the back and there are definitely other kids that have much more obvious behavior problems. 2 with specials need and a handful that are just super obnoxious. Steven, on the other hand, is mostly just squirmy in his seat and getting lost in his head so not a big deal for her.

When I got back from subbing we had dinner and then hit up Long's Farm for doughnuts. They were way more delicious than the doughnut's at Spicer's. It's going to be really hard not to make more stops for doughnuts with it only being 5 minutes away from us. While at Long's we had to take some pictures- especially a lot of pictures on the giant rocking chair.

Wednesday Grams, Penny and I did some shopping in the morning (it's tradition for us to do lots of shopping while she's here) and then I took the kids to the doctors for a well check up in the afternoon. I talked to the Dr about my concerns that Steven might have ADHD. She thinks he's being a typical kid and that I can probably fix things by just talking with the teacher and working out small modifications. He may be skating by in school right now but things have been tough at home- tough getting him to do school work and scout work and tough with him always pushing his siblings buttons (and mine). I also worry about what's going to happen when he hits Middle School and school will require a lot more focus. I am just a bit disappointed with the doctor's response. Her only helpful idea was to have the teacher move him to the front of the room. I think that's a good idea but I am just struggling with how to ask the teacher to do it- I don't want to be demanding or rude. At this point I think my next step if I am really concerned is to take Steven to a Psychologist but I can't decide if I am concerned enough to do that. I know that will be a hard journey to embark on.

Also at the Doctor's Appointment the boys both got flu shots and you would've thought that they were about to be murdered. They both freaked out and started crying. The nurse was a young guy and he wasn't very kind about their freaking out. Yes, I know it's embarrassing that my 8 and 10 year old are acting like babies but he made some pretty snide comments and then when we got out of the room I could hear the tail end of him making fun of my kids to the coworkers. That was really upsetting. It may be time to quit that office.

And because struggling with Steven's focus issues and shots wasn't enough... Ben had a tough time in school this week. His teacher told me when I volunteered Tuesday that Ben had been crying at school a lot and that kids were starting to notice and call him baby Ben. This breaks my heart for so many reasons. I really thought he was doing better emotionally at school and I don't want his classmates to make fun of him. When we got down to the root of his crying, he said that his nasal drainage has really been worrying him. He's worried that he won't be able to breath or that he will choke on it. We had a big conversation about the illogical thinking behind that and I rechecked out a book called "What to do when you worry too much." We read this when he was having issues before and it really helped- I am hoping it will help again. He did do better Friday in class so maybe it will be a quick turn around?

Thursday morning I had to get a crown redone. This was all pretty pain free until they had to "pack the gums." I am not sure what that meant aside from them stabbing something sharp into the gums around my tooth. It was awful and that tooth was sore for a good day. Thursday afternoon we did more shopping and then we took a walk to the library. Penny did not want to go on the walk at first so I said to her "Don't you want to spend time with Grams?" Her reply, "But I already spent time with her!" She is such a little stink. We eventually convinced her to go and even though it was a bit chilly, it was a good walk and we had a nice time at the library.

Thursday evening we all went out to the Olive Garden, Grandma's treat. Usually we go to less fancy places, like Chili's, so it was quite the revelation that our kids restaurant behavior is lacking a bit but they did mostly good and the food was just so yummy. Olive Garden will always be a favorite of mine. I am grateful that I got a night off of cooking.

Friday afternoon Tyler and I abandoned Grams and the kids and did a little Daycation at the GM Renaissance Center in Detroit- we stayed at the Marriott. It is a super expensive hotel normally but we got a good deal through Tyler's brother who does accounting for Marriott. We started off our getaway picking up some lunch and then we went to my favorite used bookstore in Detroit. They have a lot of neat old books and I love browsing it- only set back was it was a little chilly, apparently they have decided not to turn on their heater yet. Afterwards we checked in the hotel and I must admit I got a little nervous when we went up 47 floors in the elevator. It makes your ears pop. We ended up having such a relaxed getaway which is exactly what I needed. Life has been a bunch of little stressful things lately and it was nice to escape the stress. We had dinner at the Shake Shack because we are fancy like that, we rode the People Mover to a  convenience store to get some snacks, and we watched a movie on TV at the hotel. The next day we had breakfast at Panera which was a the entrance of the Renaissance center and it had a great view of the river (and all sorts of people coming back from running a 5K). Then we stepped out and walked the river- for maybe 5 minutes because I realized it was way to cold outside. After checking out of the hotel we went and saw "Venom" which was a surprisingly fun movie and after that it was back home to be a mom and dad again. I really wish we could do more getaways. They are always so refreshing and so needed.

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