Saturday, October 27, 2018

Milford, Mall Date, Frankenmuth, Trunk or Treat

This week has sped by with Grams here! We spent most of Monday in Milford because that village will always have a special place in Grams heart (and mine). We did have a bit of bad luck when we first headed into town to check out the shops. Turns out that even though the stores say they open at 10 they don't actually open at 10- they open when the owners get there. We figured since it was cold and the stores weren't open yet we'd just hop into the bakery but it turns out the bakery isn't open on Mondays. That was super disappointing- we were both looking forward to an orange zest muffin. So with those disappointments in hand we decided to just go to Kensignton and do a nature walk. It was a bit chilly for a walk but the nature was beautiful.

After we finished our walk we were going to warm up inside the nature center there, only to find out it was closed on Monday mornings. Seriously this Monday closing stuff was getting annoying. So instead we met Tyler at McDonald's so Penny could have some fun playing in the play place. Then we went to the shops again, which were finally open. We didn't find the specific Michigan shirt Grams was looking for but it was still fun to browse.

When we finished up there it was back home until the evening when we once again went Milford. This time we went to my friend Stefanie's house. We parked there and then walked with her to Smoke Street BBQ. The food was SO SO good and the company was even better and added bonus- my sweet friend paid for our meals. It was a great end to our Milford day.

Tuesday morning I volunteered in Ben's class and once again it was a trying experience. I was immediately notified by Ben's teacher that Ben and his table group were mean to another child while there was a sub yesterday. Great. Then for writing group he gave me 4 struggling writers to work with- at the same time- and that was very challenging. I always feel like I don't meet his high expectations when I work with the kids. I wonder if that's how Ben feels?

After volunteering Tuesday, I checked Lucy out of school so she could have some special time with Grams. She was feeling real jealous that Penny got to be with Grams all day so this was her chance to have some time with her. We took them down to the Outlet Mall in Auburn Hills and I think she had a great time- there was junk food eating, a little shopping (where it took Lucy a million minutes to decide what little trinket she wanted) and they played at the play place there. Lucy at one point decided it was not just Grams Day but Sister Day too. I love the special bond she has with her sister.

On our way to the Outlet Mall we had a funny experience. Penny started saying in a very distraught voice, "No P's allowed!?" It took us a minute to realize that she was seeing a no parking sign and she thought since it said "no P" that meant no Penny's since her name starts with a "P". It was pretty silly.

Tuesday night Ben got to have a little date at Wendy's with Grams because he was jealous that Lucy got checked out of school. It seemed to help pacify those feelings of jealousy.

On Wednesday, around noon, I picked up Steven from 5th Grade Camp. He had left Monday and from all appearances he had a great time. Tyler had volunteered at camp for a bit both Monday and Tuesday (apparently volunteering meant babysitting so the teachers could get a break)and I guess Steven was too busy with his friend Marcus to interact with Tyler. I'm so glad he doesn't have any problems with being away with us and that he has made a good friend. I worry about how Ben's going to do when he has 5th grade camp in a couple years.

Wednesday evening I had my first Huron Valley Rec and Community Ed Advisory Board meeting. I am not sure why I said yes when invited to go- maybe just because I was invited? And maybe because I thought it could be an interesting opportunity? The kids have taken basically all of their sport stuff through Huron Rec and it actually was pretty interesting to meet with the director and give input on programs and things. There was definitely an odd assortment of people but like I said, it was interesting. And it was neat be involved in something for once.

Thursday Grams, Penny and I went on a little getaway to Frankenmuth. We did all the traditional things- the Christmas Store, the Cheese Store and a Fudge store. 

When we finished the traditional things we went to a little shopping center there where we ate Beignets that were covered in about a cup of powdered sugar. They were so tasty but the extreme amount of powdered sugar seemed almost evil. We were all covered in the end and so were the floors. It looked like it had snowed. Before and after below:

After hogging those down Grams noticed a giant shop stuffed full of various Michigan shirts and she finally found the one she wanted. So my VERY belated present to her was a shirt about the Great Lakes that says "no sharks, no salt, no worries" I'll have to remember this shop if I am ever in need of a good variety of Michigan shirts- it had so many options.

Friday we did one last Kohl's shop- Grams had some more Kohl's cash to spend and then that afternoon we met a couple of my friends at the Safari Playground. It is an indoor playground that was free- just for October. Penny had a blast and even though I was feeling a bit anti-social, I'm glad I went.

Friday night was our Trunk or Treat and it had a crazy big turn out. More people than places to sit! The kids had a good time stuffing their faces, eating donuts from a string and going trunk or treat. It was a lot of fun for them as always.

Pictures before the party. I was real proud of Lucy's Hermione hair- it was achieved with a crimper. 

Doughnut fun and a picture with my striped friend:

Friday night Ben had a rough night- waking up several times upset and scared. He really has been super emotional lately and it's been really hard trying to calm him down. He still has the worries about nasal drainage. I haven't heard from his teacher lately about that issue so maybe he is better at school but he has not gotten over it at home. Mom life is hard.

Saturday morning we went and saw "Small Foot." I always like going to a movie as a family and while it wasn't my favorite- it was entertaining enough. The kids seemed to enjoy it- except maybe Lucy who got real wiggly near the end.

And that is the end of our crazy, busy week!

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