Saturday, October 13, 2018


This week was full of things and kept me busy but nothing was particularly exciting- I actually didn't even take any pictures this week. I think that tells you just how unexciting it was ;)

Monday was just cleaning and an orthodontist appointment for Steven. Once again he was reprimanded for not taking proper care of his teeth, ugh. I hope he still has some teeth left after he gets these braces off. 

Monday I also got the bummer news that our home insurance might be responsible for paying for a friend's daughters doctor bills. I was babysitting for a friend a couple weeks ago and apparently her daughter sprained her fingers when she slipped off our swing set- no fault of the swing set, just clumsiness on her behalf. She didn't even tell me anything was wrong- never came to me upset and I didn't find out until Sunday that it had happened. Well apparently since it happened on our property- accident or not- our insurance might have to pay for it. My friend felt bad about the whole thing and I just feel frustrated with insurance companies. So far we haven't heard anything from any actual insurance companies though so time shall tell. All this does is further confirm Tyler's worries about having a trampoline in our yard. Next thing I know he will be dismantling the swing set.

And to cement my very Monday feeling day, I had a very frustrating incident involving my ministering assignment and the RS President. The RS Pres sent out a group email (to about 10 people) about how one of my ministering sisters needed something and it felt a bit like the email was calling out me and my companion for not doing anything. This is frustrating because I help this sister out A LOT- she is just extremely needy. An hour later (this is at 10:30 at night) she 'replied to all' calling us out yet again for not yet responding. It had only been an hour- I was going to deal with it in the morning for Pete's sake. I thought maybe I was being extra sensitive but Tyler read both emails and agreed that they were not very nice. Thankfully after a very carefully worded email sent by me, the RS Pres called me the next day and apologized. It was nice that she realized her mistake and apologized, now I just have to work on letting go my frustrated feelings with the whole thing.

Tuesday I volunteered for Ben's classroom and failed again. Apparently I was being too helpful to the kids and he had wanted them to struggle and figure it out themselves. I got reprimanded. I'm not sure why I was in there then if I wasn't supposed to be helpful but I am sure that Ben's class will forever keep me on my toes and second guessing my teaching skills.

Tuesday evening I brought dinner to a friend who had just had a baby. It was fun to talk with her and see her little one but I am just not sure I am up for having another one of those. I had this moment during General Conference where I had this overwhelming feeling that I am supposed to have one more baby, ok several moments if I am being honest, but I just can't come to terms with that feeling. My fear is stronger than my faith right now. If I think of a baby generally, I think sure, we can have another one. But when I think of all a baby entails- emotionally, physically, monetarily- I start getting a panic attack. How can I possibly handle one more? 

Tuesday night was also Bunco and it was a lot of fun but I didn't win a prize this time which was depressing because all the prizes were so dang cute!

Wednesday afternoon I ended up subbing at the kid's school for a Kindergarten class. It came up on the system early in the morning so I snatched it up but I had a heck of a time finding someone to watch Penny. I asked 4 people before finally finding someone. I am glad I was able to do it though. It was such an easy day. Not only was there a student teacher there but the kids also had lunch, rest time and 2 specials while I was there. I literally only had to teach 1 lesson. Super easy. The only awfulness came at the end when I had bus duty and came back from it to find that Ben had been freaking out because I wasn't in the room and Steven was missing. After the office did a page from him, it became apparent that he had ridden the bus home accidentally so I rushed home and found him there. He told me when he didn't see me at the bus stop he realized his mistake and ran all the way home because he was a little freaked out. Oh that kid will be the death of me.

Also Wednesday I noticed that Penny was missing a piece of her tooth- another crown from all her previous dental work had fallen off. There was some blueberry from a smoothie stuck to  to the remaining tooth so at first appearances I thought her tooth was rotting. It was disturbing. Thankfully it was just a broken crown and thankfully their dentist's office was much more accommodating this time. They squeezed her onto the schedule Thursday. I was real nervous because she had freaked out at her last dental visit which was just a cleaning but she ended up doing pretty good. She started to cry in the beginning but the dental assistant got her to smile by having her doll ride on a my little pony. Once she calmed down she started to doze off and the only time she had issues as they filled her broken crown was when they sprayed water on the tooth- I think it just freaked her out because she was half asleep and suddenly felt water dripping down her throat.

I also learned from this incident that Benny believes the bottom part of all teeth are called crowns. He was shocked when I explained to him what crowns really are, ha ha!

Friday I babysat my friend's 8 month old baby again. Once again got me worried about having another one- babies are so time consuming. My logical brain is just having a hard time. Ben also ended up coming home from school sick that day. Tyler had to pick him up since I didn't have a car. He had told the office he felt like throwing up and since a kid in his class had, they were properly worried. In the end we found out he is having nasal dripage in his throat and that is what is making him feel like throwing up. So glad it's not the stomach bug but it also caused me to cancel plans with friends for the afternoon so that was disappointing.

Some positives from this week...Tyler's truck is fixed! Well mostly, he wants to get the alignment done at a shop and his battery is now giving him problems. I swear we just need to buy a new vehicle but at least the tires are all on!

Also I finished painting the kitchen cabinets! No more painting cabinets for me!! There were a few doors that the hardware broke on when I was taking them off so I have to buy some new hardware for them so I can reattach them but the project is basically done so that feels so fabulous! Once I get those last few doors attached I will post some finished pictures and I am real excited for that!

And lastly the weather cooperated today so we were able to get our family pictures completed. Yes it was freezing cold but no rain! She said she'll have them done in a few weeks so in the meanwhile I am going to try not to be too over anxious about seeing the results.

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