Saturday, September 15, 2018

This and That

On Sunday I was in the bathroom and noticed that somebody had smeared my make up (foundation)on the wall. When I came downstairs I asked the girls which one of them had done it because they had been playing in the bathroom earlier. Penny said "No" and then Lucy looked at me with a very guilty look. I asked her specifically if she had done it and she shouted "But you can't be mad at me because I told the truth!" It was very apparent that she had a lesson on truth in primary that day, ha ha!

On Monday the kids were off school for the billionth time- apparently it was a Jewish Holiday. I spent the morning cleaning the house (which always feels pointless when the kids are home) and then we rented "Sherlock Gnomes" and got some candy and junked out for the afternoon. I had thought about taking them out somewhere but wasn't feeling well (I had-and still have- a cold) and am glad I chose to stay in. The movie was not that great but it was nice to just cuddle with the kids on the couch.

Tuesday I had one of those miracle of tithing moments. I was balancing the budget and realized with the in laws in town and other fun things I had went over budget for that 2 week pay period. I had this silly thought that it would be so great if I could just randomly get a check in my mailbox for that amount. Well that is exactly what happened. When I got the mail that day there was a reimbursement check from the dentist in almost that exact amount (just a few dollars off). Definitely a tender mercy that shows the benefits of paying tithing.

Wednesday I was going to watch a friend's toddler since she has a newborn but didn't want to risk sharing my cold with her family so that got cancelled. Instead I did my favorite thing, some Goodwill shopping to try and find some clothes for family pictures. I found some good tops for the boys and only spent a few dollars- can't beat that! Then that afternoon another friend who didn't mind me sharing germs had me watch her daughter. Her daughter usually drives me a little nuts so I said lots of prayers for patience and kindness and it actually went really well. Another tender mercy.

Wednesday night was Kindergarten Orientation which was super unexciting but I ended up sitting next to one of the mom's from the bus stop (Katie) and chatting with her. I found out later (through Facebook) that she was friends with Jenny Chappell (our friend in Virginia). It was super fun to chat with her the next morning about Jenny C. It's nice starting to get to know other moms but I still struggle with being at a new school and not knowing the staff like I did at Kurtz. Everything still feels unfamiliar. I am hoping to start volunteering in the classrooms and maybe that will help me to start getting sub jobs at their new school. I did get asked to sub at Kurtz this week (the boys' old school) but it was too last minute for me to make it work. I'm still not sure if I can make it work unless Tyler is able to work from home in the mornings.

Thursday Penny and I went to storytime at the Library. She loved it so much last week and was dying to go again. I was hesitant to go because of my cold and Penny has been coughing too but we were rude and went and shared our germs. She had so much fun! She loves the part where they hide a mouse behind a house and they have to figure out which house he is behind. It's pretty cute! Afterwards we hung out at a nearby park with some friends who didn't mind our germs. It was a good day.

Friday night we had a sweet young women in the ward who watched our kids for us so we could go to the temple. This was the first time any yw has babysat our kids for free so it was so nice. She is only 12 and this was her first time babysitting and she was a bit nervous but she did just fine. My girls love her and are already asking for her to come again. And Tyler and I really needed a night out together away from the kids. It was a win win situation all around!

This week I also started back up working on the kitchen cabinets. I took off the lower cabinets and I am almost done with them. I just need to put a protective coat on the back. I really took my time with them, I taped the edges to prevent dripping and they turned out a MILLION times better than the upper cabinets. Now that I have something good to compare them with, the upper cabinets look really awful. Tyler is currently sanding off the drops of paint on the edges and hopefully this week I can work on fixing them. It is the project that just never ends. I like quick results but I have learned the hard way that this is a project that can't be rushed.

Tyler's truck is still a work in progress as well. As he goes he keeps realizing he need new parts, or a new tool or something. It's been nice that he has been able to borrow his Tahoe from work but I will sure be glad when his truck is fixed.

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