Saturday, September 22, 2018

Museum, Babysitting, Class Pictures

Sunday me and the girls skipped out on Stake Conference. I was still suffering from congestion and they had been coughing. While home I read the General Conference talk that we were supposed to read to prepare for Stake Conference. It was on Family History so I decided to get into some bins from the basement so I could find and read some old scrapbook/journals about my grandparents/parents. I really enjoyed reading about both my Grandmas and reading some things about my mom's youth. I'm grateful for all this documentation that has been done and I hope someday my kids will appreciate all these blog posts.

In process of finding the journals/scrapbooks I found some old clothes of mine that the girls had fun trying on. I also found an old scrapbook of mine that Lucy loved looking through. She thought it was so fun to see pictures I had made and stories I had written when I was little like her.

Monday was busy cleaning up from the weekend. The boys also had their first archery class. Since Tyler took them, I have no pictures but I think they enjoyed it. Ben said he didn't even hit the target once but that's why he's taking a class, ha ha! Steven claims he already knows how to shoot and the parts where they try to teach him are boring. Ugh. According to Tyler, Steven missed quite a bit so it would seem he definitely needs the instruction.

Tuesday the kids had a half day of school. My friend was hosting Bunco that night so I offered to watch her kids that afternoon so she could prepare. Really I selfishly offered to watch them so my kids would have friends to play with. I ended taking all of them to our beach that afternoon. It was a good choice. It was possibly our last beach day of the season- today is in the 60's and the coming week looks like temperatures won't get higher than mid 70's. I am glad we all had one last hurrah at the beach- the kids usually play so well there and it makes my job easy. I'm going to miss our beach days!

The only hiccup during our beach time was that my friend had sent her kids with a clear garbage bag of sand toys. I decided just to bring their toys (not ours) but imagine the confusion when suddenly there were 2 clear bags of toys at the beach. Apparently someone had left a bag at the beach and I had a heck of a time trying to figure out which were my friends toys and which were what someone had left. Ugh- I felt like I was losing my mind. 

Tuesday night I had Bunco and I had a lot of luck- 2 Bunco's and 9 baby bunco's. I ended up winning a super soft blanket and thick slipper socks- perfect for the upcoming cold weather. After a summer without Bunco it was nice to be back in gear. I love the opportunity it gives me to get out and eat yummy stuff and hang with friends. 

Wednesday the kids had no school (Jewish holiday- next week will be their first full week of school. I wonder how they'll handle having 5 days in a row!) I made the wise choice to get out of the house and took them to the Ann Arbor Hands On Museum. It was 3/4 of a good time- the other quarter the kids spent fighting over exhibits and I spent fighting with Penny (she has been in such a difficult mood lately). But mostly it took up a majority of the day and kept me from going crazy with them cooped up in the house. We hadn't packed a lunch- I really didn't expect to last too long- but they did. We didn't get home until 2 and they were all starving so they chowed down and then vegged out in front of a screen. 

Lucy was disgusted by how much sugar is in the mountain dew's her dad drinks. And Ben and I had fun making it look like we were coming out of a wall.

Thursday we did another story time at the library. It was pouring rain so I did the outside book drop first so I wouldn't have to drag the books out in the pouring rain. After, when I went to gather my things I couldn't find my phone. I had two thoughts- either it was lost in the car or I had put it in the book drop. I didn't think I was crazy enough to the do the latter but then again...As I was leaving the library I decided to ask if they found a phone in the book drop just in case- because I would hate to have to come back and ask later. The man looked at me like I was crazy- it was super embarrassing. It wasn't there and I ended up finding it stuck between the console and the chair later. All that embarrassment for nothing.

Friday I got to babysit for a friend's baby. She was so stinking cute and Penny just loved her. Penny, who had been evil all week, was so good for the day. She pushed Adelaide in her stroller, fed Adelaide her snacks and baby food. She also sang her to sleep for her nap and consoled her with songs when she was crying. Her songs had original lyrics like "Little baby go to sleep" and "No more cry." It was all amazingly adorable. 

She also thought Adelaide's extra happy face looked angry so she took an "angry" selfie with her.

On Friday I got the kid's school pictures. When I asked Lucy why her smile was less than genuine she said that somebody should have said "poop" instead of "cheese" because that would've made her laugh. 

Lucy also came home from school pretty bummed Friday. She immediately told me, "I didn't get to be the happy camper!" Apparently that's her teacher's term for star student. I looked at her grumpy demeanor and said, "Well don't you need to be happy?" She moaned,"But I was!!" Poor thing. 

Another funny from Lucy. Friday is treat day and when she was deciding what treat to have after dinner she asked me, "Can you get my brain not crumbled?" I looked at her strange and she said, "Just slap it." So I tapped her head and she said, "Great! Now my thinking cap is on." So glad I was able to help her make that tough treat decision.

Last thing that I think I forgot to share from last week. My friend Caroline told me that Ben still plays a role in the recess games at his old school, Kurtz. Apparently at first he was away on a never ending field trip. Then later the kids started playing that they had super powers and Ben's was that he was invisible. Whenever Andrea (his bf from church and school) was in trouble, Ben would come and rescue her. I love how loved he was at his old school and that they still think of him. I hope he is able to develop those strong friendships here at his new school. His new teacher did say that Ben doesn't seem like a new kid at all- he fits right it. That was a comforting thing to hear.

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