Thursday, September 6, 2018

Labor Day Weekend

So it was kind of a strange first week of school since they only went Tuesday through Thursday and then they had Friday through Monday off for the Labor Day holiday. We had a great Labor Day Holiday though because Tyler's parents came to visit us. 

Friday was a pretty lazy day and then that evening Tyler's parents arrived and we enjoyed eating pizza and chatting about life with them. They also decided we had to go out for ice cream that night and gifted each of the kids a little toy which totally made their day.

On Saturday we headed to Tawas as soon as we were all up and ready. Our plan was to see the lighthouse there, play at the beach and maybe do some nature walks. The first part of our plan went well. We were able to do a tour of the lighthouse which I had thought we had done last time we saw this lighthouse but apparently we hadn't. It was neat to see the living quarters and go up to the top of the tower. I would love to live in a lighthouse someday- just not an active one because we learned from the tour how much work that is. Steven did not make it to the top of the tower- he got freaked out and made his Poppy go down with him. He has some real issues with heights. 

While we were visiting the tower their was also this author there signing and selling books. They had a contest to win one of their books and Steven ended up winning it- his book came in the mail yesterday. He always seems to win contests! However, I think there were a very limited amount of people that had entered. The books were well written but the pictures- not so well done.

After the lighthouse tour we went to the beach and had about 30 minutes of fun beach time before the weather turned uncooperative and started raining on us. They really squeezed in a lot of fun for that small period of time. Especially Lucy who continues to be brave and charge at waves.

Since it was raining, no nature walks were going to happen so we headed into town and let Tyler's mom do a little bit of tourist shopping before going back home. Once home we stopped by Dickey's BBQ where we chowed down and watched video clips of people doing awesome things and stupid things. I think the kids (and the husbands) could have stayed there all night watching the videos but I finally peeled them away from the TVs so we could get to bed at a decent hour.

After our busy Saturday we let Sunday be a proper day of rest. We went to church in the morning and did a whole lot of nothing until after dinner time. This was good because Poppy Hatch was not feeling well (he had a cold) so he needed some R&R. After dinner, which Tyler's mom graciously made, we went to Proud Lake to go on a nature walk. This really seemed to make Grams Hatch's day. She really loves getting out in nature. It was a warm day but the path was so covered in shade from trees that it didn't seem too warm and it was a really nice outing.

Funny story from Sunday. Lucy was getting worried about rain for the billionth time because it is still giving her anxiety and so Penny said to her, "Why you not like rain? Rain not lightening. Rain not thunder." Penny's getting it- I wish Lucy would too! Also from Sunday I asked Lucy who gave her such blue eyes since I don't have blue eyes. Her response, "Jesus!" Good answer :)

On Monday, Leslie and I got up before everyone and went kayaking at Kensington. It was perfect timing. There was hardly anyone there, the weather hadn't warmed up yet and the sun was just rising. We had a good time paddling around- even if we kept bumping into each other's kayaks- and we spotted an eagle, a swan and her family and even stopped on a little island and took a little walk. I enjoy spending one on one time with Tyler's mom. It's when we do the best talking.

After we got back from kayaking we went back home and grabbed everyone else and went out to breakfast. It was yummy and fun to spend time together. Poppy did some good bribery to get the boys to behave. He told them he would give them a quarter if they sat quietly and still for 5 minutes. They both earned their quarters :)

When we were done with breakfast we decided to go check out this fireworks shop nearby because Poppy Hatch is obsessed with fireworks. Unfortunately the shop was closed for the season so we decided we would drive to Frankenmuth to see the world's largest Christmas store (Bronner's)and maybe we would pass a random firework place on the way. Well we didn't pass a fireworks place on the way but I feel like Frankenmuth was a hit with Tyler's mom. She had fun shopping at the Christmas store and afterwards at the Cheese Haus. She bought this jalapeno cheese there that was to die for. I feel like I need to go back and buy me some there too. We also stopped at a fudge shop and I got myself some taffy. I'm not sure why fudge shops always sell taffy but I'm not complaining. On our way back to the car we got to listen to some live jazz music and watch an older couple swing dance to it. Poppy really seemed to enjoy the music. It was a good day in Frankenmuth.


On our way back from all the fun we went a different way and did run into a fireworks store. It was closed but had a sign with a phone number that said they could be there in 5 minutes. They also had this creepy two headed doll in the window that terrified the kids BUT Tyler called the number and had success. Him and his dad bought lots of fireworks while I waited in the car hoping they wouldn't be murdered in this run down looking shop with the creepy doll in the window.

When at last we were back home we had hamburgers and hot dogs and then a huge thunder and lightening storm hit. It started off pretty mild and then Poppy Hatch said something to the effect that Michigan can do better than this. You should never taunt mother nature. Shortly after we had some house shaking thunder and it came on and off for awhile. Grams and Poppy Hatch really enjoyed sitting on our deck under the overhang watching it come down. 

When at last the storm died down and the rain stopped the kids got to have fun with the fireworks. Their favorites were the Roman Candles and the red fire bombs. We had some whistle ones and chicken shaped ones that were kind of duds. They also enjoyed throwing the snap ones and holding the sparklers. It was the perfect way to end a fun day and spend our last moments with Tyler's parents. They went to bed shortly after that and left our house around 2am. His crazy mom had to get back in time to work that Tuesday. We are grateful for the sacrifices they made to spend time with us.

On Tuesday the kids headed back to school and I was excited to get back into the normal routine of life but thanks to Poppy's storm the servers were down at the schools. They ended up cancelling school Wednesday because the servers controlled the ac and it was supposed to be in the 90's that day. They decided it would be too hot for school. We don't even have school cancelled for hot days in AZ! It turned out ok though. We took that day off and spent over 4 hours at the beach with friends. The kids had a blast and Lucy got a good sunburn as a souvenir. A friend brought us her daughter's old dance clothes later that day so I was able to document the sunburn when Lucy and Penny tried on the fun clothes.

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