Saturday, September 8, 2018

Rest of the Week

Thursday was spent rooting through junk and collecting things to give away to Salvation Army. When all was done and said I threw at least 5 garbage bags worth of stuff into the car to give away. It felt so good to unload it all at Salvation Army later that day. I was super proud of myself until I came back home and realized I should probably throw out another 5 bags of stuff. It's crazy how much junk you can accumulate in a family of 6.

Friday Penny and I worked on her ABC's in the morning. We've only been working on A-F and she did pretty good at identifying the capitals but she really struggled with the lowercase letters. I am hoping I can continue to make time to work on this stuff with Penny so that she has somewhat of a foundation when she starts Kinder next year. My only problem is that I am usually good at making time for this at first but then life gets busy and teaching Penny usually becomes the first thing to go. 

At noon time I got a cavity filled with Penny tagging along and since she did so good and since I felt like I have neglected her a lot lately we had a fun date at the mall afterwards. She got to pick out some fun headbands and hairbows for her and Lucy at Claires, we smelled candles at Bath and Body Works (and I got to watch her wrinkle her nose at like every smell), we rode elevators and escalators, got a yummy pretzel and played in the play area. We had so much fun and I wish we were able to do things like that more often.

Today Target had another event, adopt a pup for your doll (for free!). Since the girls both have "Our Generation" dolls, I thought they would love this but I was worried it might be crazy. I was so wrong. There was only one family in front of us and I maybe saw a couple other ones come later while we were looking at toys. The boys tagged along and were excited when the lady said they could have one too (they thought they had to have an "our generation" doll to get a puppy). EVeryone came home with their own puppy so it was an exciting day for them!

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