Sunday, April 22, 2018

Olive Garden, Dates, Belle Isle

Monday was spent recovering from the baptism and helping the house recover too. Tuesday I ended up subbing for the morning. I was nervous because I was subbing for fourth grade and Steven told me the classes were switching for Science and Social Studies that day. All the fourth grade classes can be RoUgH but I used my prize box as bribery for the kids to listen and it worked like a charm. Well it worked for everyone except Steven. He had put his new book he had gotten from the book fair on top of the textbook we were reading and had them both in his lap- very tricky. 

Tuesday night the boys had their first Basketball Skills Class. Benny was very nervous about going because he said he wasn't good at basketball but afterwards he told me he was glad he had gone. I really like the coach- he is a good teacher. He is firm and enforces rules but also has good sense of humor. He has a bum knee though and I am surprised he was still standing at the end of it all- hopefully he makes it to the end of the class ;)

Wednesday Grams took Penny and I to lunch at the Olive Garden. It was so nice to just hang with them both and be fed delicious food. Even my bread hater Penny hogged down on the garlic bread. I had this moment during our nice lunch where I thought that maybe I could have just one more kid when Penny starts kindergarten- it's pretty fun to have a little sidekick. Well afterwards we went to the mall to play and Penny threw an epic tantrum when it was time to go. It felt like a sign that I should definitely NOT have anymore children. She literally screamed the entire way home. She kept screaming she was "done" and that we should go back. Ummm screaming definitely does not equate being done throwing a tantrum.

Wednesday night Steven was supposed to have a 3 mile hike for cub scouts but it was cancelled due to low temperatures and freezing rain. I was going to go with so I was glad that they cancelled and I didn't have to endure the weather. The temperatures have since warmed up and I am really hoping that they stay warm.

Thursday morning I picked up groceries- I have decided to go back to ordering groceries from the evil Walmart. Thankfully they were on time and no issues. After getting groceries we went and met a friend at the library for story time. Penny really seemed to love it. She would dance to the songs and then turn and look at me as if making sure that that was ok. She was pretty cute.

Thursday afternoon Tyler and Steven had an eye dr appointment and it turns out Steven legitimately has bad eyesight and will need glasses. I was a little worried he just wanted to go the eye dr because all his friends have glasses (he wants to be on the glasses team ;)). He has been very excited since that appointment about getting glasses and constantly asks when they will be ready. He says he just wants to be able to see again. I asked him why he didn't tell me sooner that he couldn't see. He said that he thought it was just normal to not be able to see things that are far away. He also informed me that he never wants contacts because he doesn't want to have to touch his eye. We'll see about that.

Thursday night Tyler and I got to go see "A Quiet Place." I love scary movies and get super excited anytime one comes out that is actually PG-13 and not some sort of gore show or satan show, ha ha! When we got there we actually had the theater to ourselves until right before it started and one other person came. The movie itself was so good, and made me jump quite a bit! Tyler and I also laughed about how it would be a good movie to teach our kids the importance of listening to your parents. There is a kid that doesn't listen and literally gets snatched up by a monster.

Friday morning was Doughnuts with Dad at Lucy's school. Lucy has been looking forward to this day for weeks and was so excited. I think it's pretty much the only reason she had been tolerating school. Unfortunately they ran out of doughnuts but fortunately they had brownies. Lucy was just happy to get sugar for breakfast and be with her dad.

Also Friday Penny and I took Grams to Belle Isle. We also were watching Penny's friend Eliza so she got to tag along with us. We stopped at the Belle Isle Aquarium first. Penny jumped from fish to fish but her friend could've stopped and stared at those fishes forever. Apparently Penny has a short attention span.

After the Aquarium we went to the Belle Isle Conservatory. I love looking at the different plants, so pretty, but I think everyone else was less enthused. There were also several field trip groups there so it did make for a more crowded space. 

When we finished at the Conservatory we took a lunch break. We had packed some stuff for the girls so they ate in the car, overlooking the lake and Canada. Then we went in to the Dossin Great Lakes Museum. The girls enjoyed running from thing to thing. When we had gone through the whole museum, it became strangely empty so the girls wanted to go through the museum again. Penny especially liked the binoculars and looking out over the lake.

Friday night Tyler and I were able to go to the temple. I am making a goal to try to get to the temple once a month. I love the peace I feel there and I need to be better about visiting it more frequently. 

Saturday Grams and I spent the morning shopping for things I need for hosting bunco next month. I am doing a Cinco De Mayo theme, so Mexican food and cactus themed prizes. It was pretty fun to be able to spend money guilt free since we all put money into the pot for Bunco night. 

While we were shopping Tyler took the kids with him to search out a camping spot for his Boy Scouts. 

Saturday afternoon we had a going away for our friends the Douglass's. I really wish people would stop moving away from us! The weather was wonderful and the party was outside so it was a really nice afternoon. I just wish the reason for the party was different.

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