Friday, December 1, 2017

Thanksgiving Week

Tuesday afternoon after a lunch at McDonald's with Poppy Brady we went on a hike with Tyler's mom to see the Wind Cave. My brother had told me it was an easy hike for a family, what he failed to realize is that we are all out of shape. But we all survived and the kids did really well- except for Penny who was pretty much carried the whole way by Tyler. It was warm but the view from the top made it all worth it. The wind cave was more of an indention in the side of the mountain but it did bring with it wind and cooler weather so it was appropriately named.

After finishing I was especially proud of Lucy who did it all on her own without complaining- I think the promise of a mint at the top and at the bottom is what kept her going ;) Though Lucy hiked the whole thing she was definitely the slowest and I got to stay with her, which was good since I probably couldn't have hiked much faster. The boys on the other hand were super speedy and they stayed up with Grandma Hatch the whole time.

Tuesday night we had dinner with the Eberhard Family. Karen was my good friend when we lived in AZ and were in the Lakeside Ward. Her son, Colin was Steven's best friend and Jaylee saw Lucy as a real live baby doll. This time when we came to visit Penny was Jaylee's real live baby doll. She was so sweet to Penny and was giving her piggy back rides and carrying her around. The older kids immediately started playing together like it hadn't been years since they last saw each other.It was a lot of fun to catch up and they spoiled us with these amazing homemade chicken nuggets- such a hit with everyone!

We spent most of Wednesday with my family. In the morning we went over to my mom's house for breakfast. My Aunt Ragena was there, I hadn't seen her for years and she hadn't even met my girls so it was nice to see her again. We spent much of the day chatting and working on a puzzle and also shopping- I had a lot of online deals that I had to get. I feel bad that I was distracted from family but apparently I am addicted to saving money- I should probably see a counselor about that.

Wednesday afternoon we went to Organ Stop Pizza to celebrate Rebecca's birthday. In true Brady fashion we got there before it even opened. The kids had fun waiting at the entryway for it to open, they even got in a little group hug. 

Being the first in meant we had our choice of seats. We picked balcony center with a perfect view of the organ and all it's fun special effects. The boys favorite part was the dancing cats. Those have been there since I was a kid and obviously have never been updated but obviously are still loved by children. Unfortunately the cats didn't show up on camera so they are not properly documented. 

The girl's favorite part was when the organist played "Let it Go." It was fun watching them all dance to it. 

Rebecca's favorite part was probably when they played "happy birthday" to her ;) Mike got Rebecca Oreo cupcakes and cupcakes with a rainbow ring for us all to eat. The girl's definitely loved the rainbow rings.

And the boy's definitely loved the frosting. Sugar coma to follow!

After Organ Stop Pizza fun, we had to jet over to Tara's house for her birthday celebration. The cousins had fun playing together and there was a pinata so they were excited to be showered with even more sugar. 

Thanksgiving morning we hit the park with Poppy Brady. The weather was warm and the skies were blue. My eyes were not used to that sun being so bright all the time, I felt like I was constantly squinting. The kids so enjoyed being out in short sleeves and shorts though.

Around lunch time we headed to the Hatch home (we stayed at the Brady home during the Thanksgiving weekend since the Hatch home was a little more crowded with Jezerea & Brigg's visiting). The next few hours were long and a bit boring while we waited for the meal to be prepped. I probably should have helped prep but I always feel awkward in the Hatch kitchen. I really wished I had stayed at the Brady home so I could continue working on the puzzle we had out there (I am such a nerd, I know) but oh, well. 

Lucy was happy to be at the Hatch home though, she loves Gid (even Penny who started out being deathly afraid of Gid, had warmed up to him by then). Lucy also loved hanging out with Reese.

The girls had their very own table for Thanksgiving dinner. All the boy kids were banished to the outside. However, the boys all participated in the traditional eating of Thanksgiving food and Penny and Reese opted to have an Easy Mac and cereal instead.

Tara's family didn't come to Thanksgiving dinner which was a bummer for the boys. They really love seeing her kids. At least Logan's family came so they could play with their boys. Mariah and Jeff also weren't there for the main feast but they did join in later. Jeff and Scott were super fun and they had all the kids play a game of football (really catch) in the backyard. Lucy got so into it and was so funny. She was clapping her hands, swaying side to side and really going for that football. I lover her fun personality.

After the feast Tyler and I hit Target for a couple black Friday deals. I was super efficient, we got in line a half hour early, immediately grabbed the 2 things we wanted (and 1 thing for his mom) and were out within 15 minutes. I love it when I can do that and not have other people dragging me down. I really do prefer shopping on my own (or with a hubby who is willing to just follow me without complaint ;))

Later we headed back to the Brady home and at last I was able to work on the puzzle. My mom, Tyler and I were able to finish it that night. Tyler never participates so it was fun to have his extra help.

Friday consisted of Black Friday shopping with all of Tyler's sisters while the men (and boys) went shooting. The shopping lasted 5 hours and it was not super fun for me. As I said, I do better shopping on my own. I felt pretty left out (they even left to start shopping without me when I was only 7 minutes late) and like I really couldn't look at anything on my own. I don't think they do it purposefully, I think they just don't see outside of their sister bubble. They did try to help me look for an accessory for pictures at one point which was really nice. I also had a fellow in-law with me, Melissa, so we could commiserate together. 

Friday night Tyler and I doubled with my best buddy, Rebekka, and her hubby, Danny. We got ice cream at DQ and walked downtown Gilbert. It was a beautiful night and the company was fun- even if Tyler and Rebekka got a little political at the end and started talking about gun control- they did keep the conversation civil though. We also came upon this cool shop that sold all kinds of soda (some with gross names like Pirate Piss and Zombie Boogers) and it had lots of fun metal signs- one which Tyler bought for his future workshop.

Saturday morning Rebekka and I met up with Aubrey for breakfast. I hadn't seen Aubrey for years and it was really nice to catch up with her. It was fun to talk to these two high school friends of mine who are now mothers. Only I did find myself at times unable to relate to them since I am a bit out of the trenches of being a mother to a baby. I know it was only a couple years ago but it feels like ages ago. It is weird how time goes both quickly and slowly all at once.

After breakfast Rebekka and I went to this boutique at the Phoenix Flea Market. Tyler's sisters and his mom were going too but since my last shopping experience with them was less than fun, I got Rebekka to go with me. We had so so much fun and I am glad I made her come. Tyler's sisters didn't even attempt to meet up with me until they were practically leaving so I didn't quite feel the love from them but at least I felt like Rebekka enjoyed my company so we had a good time regardless. 

After shopping I went back and got ready for pictures with the Hatch family. Since we didn't find a cute accessory while shopping, Melissa said she had some for me to borrow. Unfortunately the necklace she lent me was not quite my taste but fortunately, I think it looked fine in the picture. I think I am overly picky. Tara was late as usual but besides those things it all went smoothly. Well except for Reese and Kyle sliding in mud near the end but thankfully that didn't affect the pics.

When we finished with pictures we gathered back at the Hatch home for pizza and a family meeting. At the meeting everyone took a turn saying what they were thankful for and then his dad gave everyone some fatherly advice about being good parents and such things. It was a nice meeting and everyone said lots of nice things and that pretty much ended that week.

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