Saturday, December 23, 2017

Christmas is Coming

This week zoomed by! Monday night (as part of our 12 days countdown) we took the kids to 5 Below to buy Christmas gifts for each other. Lucy and Penny kept changing gifts (it was like buying ornaments all over again). On the other hand, Steven and Ben had troubles even choosing one. In the end (and this is top secret info) Lucy got Ben a remote control poop emoji (weird I know), Penny got Steven a nerf like gun, Steven got Penny an Apple Jack purse and Ben got Lucy Shopkins. I think they did a pretty good job shopping for each other. 

Tuesday for our countdown we painted ornaments. Penny had a reindeer one that she painted all black. I think she just really didn't want to stop painting so she just kept slopping on the colors. That morning (and the next) was a real struggle to get Lucy out the door and to school. She sobbed and sobbed that she didn't want to go. She just wanted to stay home and play. She broke my heart and made me continue to feel guilty about sending her to school. I think she loves school, but I also think she loves being home with her sister. The great thing about school though is that she is finally learning so much. The other night she sang the alphabet and wrote down each letter by herself (see pic below). This is a huge deal! Also this morning I asked her what sound each letter makes and she knew most of them. I am so proud and I just wish we wouldn't have this roller coaster of emotions with getting her to school.

Wednesday I watched my friend's baby which was so nice. I wish more people would ask me to babysit. I feel like I'm always asking other people to watch my kids while I sub but no one ever asks me. Also on Wednesday we had hot chocolate as part of our countdown. I had thought about going in town to a Starbucks to get some but I have been a bit of a homebody lately so we just made some at home. 

Thursday for the countdown the kids all got new Christmas socks, they were pretty excited. And then came Friday, Friday was such a busy day. It was one day that Lucy was actually super excited to go to school because she had a field trip to see a play in the morning. She insisted on dressing up fancy- dress, bow headband, bracelet, and necklace (see pic below). She was going to see the play "Snow Queen" or so we thought, they ended up seeing "Sleeping Beauty" instead. She said her favorite part was riding the bus because she didn't have to wear a seat belt, ha ha!

Friday morning I helped out at Ben's Grinch party. They made Grinch light bulbs, ate Grinch themed food (I made applesauce reindeer and I helped with the Grinch Kabobs). They also did a little ornament and then played a game where they found holiday words that rhymed. Ben seemed to have a lot of fun and it is fun to see how well he gets along with everyone in that class.

Below is a pic of Ben with his best friend Andrea. I am pretty positive that he sees her as just a friend but sometimes I think she might have a bit of a crush on him. She only wanted a pic with him, she did not want anyone else to get in on the pic. She also bought him a Christmas gift (a book about pranks) so he got her a gift too (a stuffed Polar Bear).

After Ben's party I went to Lucy's class. They were not having an official party, I think because they had the field trip that morning, but parents were invited to come in for lunch and a craft. I ended up being the only parent there, it was kind of awkward. I think other parents opted just to take their kids home early since there were 7 kids gone. So I ate lunch with Miss Lucy and then helped her class with an ornament craft while Mrs. Richter helped them make a fun jingle bell necklace. Lucy seemed very happy to have me there so I think it was worth being the awkward only. 

After she did the craft and had a treat I checked her out of school early and we headed to Steven's class for his party. They had an amazing party planner who had lots of fun stuff planned. They made 2 ornaments, decorated and ate a cookie, played a fun saran wrap game and ended with a game of family feud (which I would've bombed if I had actually been playing). It was super nice to be able to help out in all their classrooms for once but it was also super exhausting. My day was not over when we got home though. We had our traditional graham cracker house party that evening.

Tyler pre-made the houses (which always makes things go more smoothly) and we had over 3 familes- the May's, Farquharson's, and the Brandley's. The kids had a lot of fun decorating and actually really took their time (even if it may not look like it). Then all the kids got wild and crazy afterwards and had a lot of fun playing (and making a mess). It was our first party in our new house and it was definitely a successful party. My favorite parts had to be Lucy devouring her whole graham cracker house and Steven being all sweet with the May's baby girl.

Other news...Tyler patched up the roof and is hoping he patched the right spot and our roof won't leak anymore. I tried to call and see if any responsibility could be put on the Inspection company for missing the leak but they said they are not responsible for looking at the whole roof. That was the dumbest thing I have heard and I will not recommend them to others.

Also, the Brandley's littlest came down with a stomach bug today and I feel at fault just because we had it before, even though we stayed away from them while we had it. Since they are hosting Christmas dinner for us and 2 other families there is a chance, if it spreads through their family, that we may be on our own for Christmas dinner. I had Tyler buy a ham today just in case and part of me is almost hoping it is cancelled. I love hanging with friends but the cooking side dishes for friends always worries me (mashed potatoes, rolls). I worry if it will taste good, if I will have enough, if I will get it done in time. If it's just us I won't have those worries because it's just us. I know that's silly but I am a worry wart. I guess either way I will be ok- we are totally prepared to dinner on our own but if it still happens, I will get to socialize so that's nice too.

Still can't believe Christmas is only 2 sleeps away- getting excited to see all the kids and their reactions to all their fun gifts!

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