Saturday, December 16, 2017

Sick & Snow

Last weekend Steven made an ornament for one of his badges for Scouts (dad helped Ben make one too). We are finally on track for him to earn his Bear in February. He just needs to make a door stop and he will have finished all the requirements.  

Steven had a Scout Leader that was really great with Den Meetings and such but not so great with communicating and keeping track of what Steven had passed off. And honestly I had been slacking as a Cub Scout mom and not really checking in on things. I had a panic attack when I was finally able to get online last month and saw he was only like 30% done with his Bear requirements. Thankfully as I went through things, I saw there were things he had done that just hadn't been marked and there were also a lot of easy things we were able to do at home. It is such a relief to have him all caught up.

The rest of this week was filled with snow and sickness. Ben threw up several times Saturday night and was all better by late Sunday morning. Penny threw up Tuesday afternoon (at a friend's house while I was subbing, I felt so bad for sharing those germs). She threw up one more time that night and then was better by Wednesday morning. Then Steven threw up Wednesday morning was totally fine the rest of the day and Thursday and then he threw up Friday morning and was totally fine. It was so weird and makes me think that maybe he was faking. At least it was a really mild stomach bug and no one was super sick. I am just hopeful that the rest of us don't get sick too. I would really like to enjoy this week before Christmas.

Monday I made a snowman with Penny. It wasn't the best snow for making a snowman but I am glad I took a break from the busy and spent some time with her. It turned out pretty great :)

Monday night we went to Target to get gifts for the "giving tree" our Ward has. It was hard to keep the kids on track for picking out something that was not for them but eventually we ended up with 2 cute Cabbage Patch Dolls (for twin girls). We walked by this photo prop on our way out and Ben insisted we get a picture. That boy is such a poser!

This week was the start of our countdown to Christmas. Each of the 12 days before Christmas we open an envelope with something fun to do. On Wednesday, day 12, we went to go see the Wayne County Lightfest. We had got about 8 inches of snow that day and it was still coming down so I was weary about driving to see the lights but Tyler insisted he was an amazing snow driver and we still should go. So after a fight with Steven (who had lost the snow shovel while playing with it earlier that day) and after much hunting for the snow shovel, we found it, shoveled, and headed to the lights. 

There was almost no traffic on the way there which was great. The roads weren't horrible either. When we arrived there was a bit of a wait because they had to finish plowing the road you drive down to see the lights but the wait wasn't too bad and once we got going the kids loved it as always. They especially loved that they each got a turn to drive the car. They are all seriously bad drivers and that was probably the only time that I feared for our safety that night.

Thursday there was no school, it was a snow day. I was sad because I had a play date planned for the day but had to cancel because of the stomach bug my kids were passing around and because of the bad weather. However, it ended up being a really nice day. The kids got along really well for once and they had lots of fun playing in the oodles of snow we had in our yard- about 10 inches of it! Also, for our 11th day countdown, we wrote letters to Santa. I am glad that my kids stuck with their original wishes and didn't try to switch things up. Steven was very specific about the bike he wanted and I hope if he gets one it can live up to his expectations.

Friday we had planned a game night with some friends for our 10th day of the countdown but they were also passing around a stomach bug so we had to cancel. Instead we did a game night with just us and it ended up being pretty fun. We did "Don't Eat Pete" Christmas style, a Christmas Bingo, we unwrapped a present using oven mitts (it had some candy canes inside) and we played telestrations (I did my own diy version of this telephone/pictionary game). It took the kids a bit to get the hang of telestrations but once they did it was pretty fun. So even though plans kept getting cancelled because of that darn stomach bug, it still ended up being a good week.

Today I delivered our "neighbor" gift to people in the Ward. This year I did disposable plates and cups and had a tag that said something to the effect of letting us do the dishes for them. I thought it was fun, even if some people thought I was a little weird giving them plates and cups. It was the first time that I had someone answer the door at EVERY house I went to- it was amazing! I think from now on I need to always deliver the Christmas gifts around lunchtime on a Saturday. Super effective!

And we had our first house problem today. We woke up with a leak in our living room ceiling. It was a leak from the roof (there is no second story above that room). Tyler was able to locate the leak and will be doing a temporary solution when it is not quite so icy and wet but it looks like sometime soon we will need a new roof *sigh* Being a homeowner is super fun.

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