Saturday, December 9, 2017

Back to Michigan Life

This week was all about getting back into the swing of things. Church was a struggle with Penny because it was back to Nursery and she seemed to be suffering from separation anxiety again. Her tummy was also bugging her that day so that didn't help. She made dozens of trips to the potty during church, only to end up tooting. It was a rough Sunday and I am hoping this next one will be better. Hopefully no more tummy problems and hopefully she will be happy to be in Nursery again. I can't believe in just a few more Sundays she'll be a Sunbeam!

Then there was getting back into the swing of going to school. We had some late mornings of rushing to get ready because waking up on time was hard. Steven kept complaining that the girls were waking him up so early, however they weren't even waking up until 8. He also started complaining about our new house because it is SO far from his school which means we have to leave so early (a whopping 15 minutes). Basically mornings were hard.

Despite the struggles of getting up, the boys seemed happy to be back at school and back with friends. Lucy on the other hand really seemed to struggle with going back to school. The first few days she got super upset every morning about having to go When I asked her why she didn't want to go to school, she said because "it's too dark outside when I come home!" By Thursday, she decided to like school again because on Friday they were going to have Pajama Day and popcorn. I hope she continues to like it, despite the fact that there will not be Pajamas and popcorn everyday. She makes me feel guilty about starting her in school early. Being a parent is hard.

Tuesday I had a Primary meeting and I am still feeling less than positive about my calling. A new year coming means lots of work as Primary Secretary. I have been trying to get a head start on some things but there is always just so much to do. *Sigh* 

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I subbed for a first grade class. Wednesday was planned ahead but Thursday was a last minute sub job. I got a text around 12:30 from the teacher saying she wasn't feeling well and could I come in. I was able to find someone to watch Penny and I came in as quick as I could. The nice thing was they paid me for a "full" half day, even though I was an hour late because of the late notice. That was a super easy afternoon because they were at music when I got there and then they just had computer time in the classroom afterwards.

Friday was an actual half day for the kids and it was actually a harder day than the day before. The kids had no specials and lunch was in the classroom. The kids weren't bad, it was just a long day with no breaks. I was pooped but because Tyler was off that day we had decided we would take the kids to the Bass Pro Shop to see Santa. I'm glad we did because there was literally no line when we got there- it was awesome! The kids got to get a picture with Santa and they got to tell Santa what they wanted.(Steven wants a bikes, the girls want dolls and Ben wants a Lego set) However, Penny, still does not like Santa. She did not even want to stand next to him so we ended up taking a family picture with Santa.

Friday night we had the church Christmas party. We ended up getting there way early because we thought it started at 6 but it didn't start until 6:30. Apparently the Bishop had announced the wrong time. It was kind of awkward being there early but oh well. The food was really good and we sat with Davies family which was good company. Brother Davies was YM's president before Tyler so it was fun to hear his scouting stories and it was funny to see how similar him and Tyler are in personality. Clearly there is a certain type of person that becomes YM's president, ha ha!

Today the kids woke up to snow and they were super excited. Lucy had heard it was going to snow today and had said "thank you for the snow tomorrow" in her prayers last night. The 3 oldest kids lasted for quite awhile this morning playing in it. Penny went outside twice but didn't stay very long either time. I think she takes after me when it comes to cold. It has been so seriously cold this last week and it is still December. I am scared for what is coming when winter "officially starts."

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