Sunday, October 29, 2017

Shopping & Parties

This week we cleaned out our rental, did the final walk through and collected our security deposit (hip hip hooray!). We still will have to pay rent for the next 2 months if no one takes over our lease but at least we are done taking care of it and at least we now have our security deposit to pay one month of the rent if needed. It's sad to say goodbye to the Milford chapter of our lives but it also feels good to be done and unto our new adventure.

Also this week I painted the guest room just in time for grandma to come and stay in it. The color originally looked gray with a hint of purple but after it was all done, it now looks more of a light blue. It's a nice calming color and grandma approves so I am not going to be changing it.

We were happy to have Grandma here! She got to miss out on all the not fun parts of moving and was here just in time to help me shop for things to organize the house with. We have done lots of shopping and I finally have all the things I need to organize the front room, now we just need to do some building of shelves and some hanging of hooks. I also was happy to have Grandma's expert opinion as I decorated the bookshelves. We are only putting about half the books on our bookshelves that we did before so that way they can be a little bit more decorative and fun. When we finish building and hanging, I'll have to take some pictures to share.

Penny was a real trooper through all our shopping adventures, on Friday we went to at least 5 stores and she did pretty good considering. She was rewarded with some juice, a hot dog and fruit snacks at the food court. 

Friday night we had our Ward Halloween Party. Steven's friend Max came with and everyone had a good time. It was raining so there was no trunk or treating but they still passed out candy in the halls. The kids had fun playing different games, junking out and getting faces painted. Steven was Harry Potter, Penny was Dobby the house elf, Lucy was a mermaid, Ben was a blue ninja, I was Professor McGonagall as a cat (really I was just a cat, ha ha!) and Tyler was Chewbacca.

Saturday we went to our neighborhood's Halloween party. It was outside at our beach and it was COLD. I am impressed that I lasted as long as I did there. There weren't a lot of people there and there were definitely some odd balls but I did exchange numbers with one nice lady in the neighborhood who also has 4 kids. She and her husband both had 2 from previous marriages so now, together they have a 5,6,7, and 8 year old- all girls. Hopefully we can meet up sometime.

Saturday afternoon Lucy had a birthday party for a friend at school at Safari Playground. The place was loud and crazy but Lucy seemed to have fun and I got to meet a few parents. Unfortunately I think the fact that Lucy won't be at Country Oaks next year turned off a lot of people from wanting to plan future play dates. I get it though, you don't want you kid to become too attached to someone who isn't going to be at the same school next year. 

And Saturday night, we stayed in and watched some episodes of the second season of "Stranger Things" which is as addicting as the first season. It was nice to have a calm night in and after so much partying this weekend- too many social situations where I had to meet new people, not my favorite thing!

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