Saturday, November 4, 2017

Full Week

On Sunday these two girls were able to wear their matching dresses to church. They are just the cutest, especially Penny in her crown she made in her "baby class." Also cute is Lucy's newest saying "silly boo." She must have learned it from someone at school because we never say it but it's so cute when she calls me a "silly boo."

Monday morning I subbed for Ben's class and it went really well. I love morning half days because the kids always seem to be a little more well behaved in the mornings.

Monday night we took the kids to 5 & Below to spend their $5 that Poppy had given them for Halloween. Before that we made a quick stop at Walmart to get something and they happened to have free pumpkin decorating. We totally jumped on that because this year we missed our traditional pumpkin carving. This was not nearly as fun (or messy) but they enjoyed putting stickers on and coloring pumpkins. I wish I had taken pictures! And I felt a little less guilt at skipping our tradition this year. 

Afterwards the kids picked out some super interesting things at 5 & Below (everyone but Penny who had already spent her money previously on a vintage barbie she found at Salvation Army). Lucy got a cat unicorn that she could color, Ben got a pillow that says "naughty" if you rub it one way and "nice" if you rub it another and Steven got a little water fountain. Seriously their choices were awesome, ha ha!

Halloween was on Tuesday. I had apparently signed up as a party planner for Ben's class and so I ended up planning and carrying out his party. There was supposed to be another parent helping me but she flaked out. I kept things really simple and with only 20 kids in the class, it went really smoothly. The kids played "Don't Eat Frank", Halloween charades and made a haunted house and ghosts. After they rotated through all those fun things, they decorated and ate monster cookies (which clearly turned Ben's teeth blue). I feel like the class parties I did last year were so crazy (probably because they were bigger classes) so it was super nice to have this one be more calm but still fun. Penny and Grams also got to come and help out and eat cookies :)

After the party was the school parade. Ben posed for me but Steven didn't even see or hear me (shout his name) and swore that I wasn't even there- oh that boy. Unfortunately for Lucy, her school party and parade were at the exact same time and since I can't be in two places at once, I totally missed them. I was super sad to miss her first class party and parade but was grateful for a friend who sent me a picture. Also, Tyler was able to make it to her parade, even though he didn't take any pictures.

Despite getting our first snow of the season that morning, we had a precipitation free evening for trick or treating. It was still absolutely freezing as per usual. Grandma stayed and passed out candy while me and Tyler took the kids trick or treating. I was done after the first block but the kids persisted onward. They made out quite well. People gave out handfuls of candy and there were even several full size candy bars. We also started giving out handfuls of candy in our own home because we definitely got way less traffic here than in our old neighborhood. I think this is probably our first neighborhood with a NORMAL amount of trick or treaters instead of  a bazillion. Although, most of our track or treaters seemed to be on the older side.

The next day was Miss Lucy's birthday. As per tradition, she opened gifts upon walking up. I feel like she was gypped a bit on her birthday with all the crazy that life has been lately. We got her one gift, Shimmer and Shine, that I had before the crazy. Luckily she loved it. She also got a Rapunzel Lego set and Shopkins from her Grandma Hatch. Then she got rain boots from her Grandma Brady. Her reactions were great, I love how excited she got with each present. And I love that she didn't seem to mind her lack of presents.

After present opening Lucy went to school. I was able to come visit her class at the end of the day. We gifted her class a book for her birthday (I am not a chair by: Ross Burach).  The book was about a giraffe so after I read it, we passed out animal crackers. Apparently her class had had a late lunch that day that set everything back so the story reading and snack were really rushed. That kind of bummed me out but at least I got to come in and show her that I loved her.

As per my guilt of under celebrating her birthday, I bought Lucy a balloon bouquet. She squealed when she got home and saw it and then pretty much left it die. Epic fail. 

For dinner my mom took us all out to Steak N Shake. The kids love that place because Grams always spoil them with a shake and they enjoyed their junk food as always.

When we came home for dinner, we piled on even more sugar and had some cupcakes to end the day. This was another thing I felt guilty about, cupcakes instead of our traditional special cake. Before the move I had convinced her that cupcakes with rings on them would be way more awesome than a cake since I knew we would be busy. She really was super excited about them. Before we put the candle on her cupcake it had a Shopkin's ring (Grams had wanted to buy her a giant cupcake but I was opposed due to the sugar crazy these last few days). Anyways, despite my guilt, her and her siblings really seemed to love the cupcakes.

Thursday I had the joy of changing my address on my driver's license. For some reason it wouldn't let me do it online so I had to go in to the office to get it done. They have this new fangled system where you text to get in line . It was confusing (probably because I am easily confused) and so we goofed. I sent the text and it said we had a 33 min wait so we strolled the aisles of a Dollar Store and then went in. Well it turns out your are not officially checked in until you go in so then we had a 50 minute wait. So we decided to go the mall which was 10 minutes away to have Penny play at the play area. Well when we got there we got a text update that told us our wait time was shortened. We ended up rushing back and I literally made it in when they were calling my number. Totally a wasted trip to the mall but at least I didn't have to sit in the waiting room I guess.

Friday night Tyler and I got to go to Laci and Mark's house. Laci is helping Tyler out with some swing dancing for YM's so Tyler and her needed to practice. That was basically our excuse so we could all hang out. It was so nice to get out without kids and talk to fellow adults who are in the parenting trenches. It was super fun!

Saturday Steven had a pack meeting and Scouting for food. I had a mini melt down because he didn't receive any awards at the meeting and I had just realized the other day that he has only received 2 out of the 6 requirements that he needs to move forward. I started panicking because I didn't even know what he was supposed to get done by February. His Den Leader was super uncommunicative and just got released. Thankfully another Den Leader who LOVES scouting and is amazingly helpful got me into his online account so I could see exactly what needed to get done. I was able to go in and check off things he had done already and I am feeling MUCH better about it all.

The Scouting for Food was an interesting experience. This was the first time I was able to go with (basically because it was the first time that Tyler could be there too, thanks Grams!). Steven had some issues with tying bags to the door handles. He also did not want to go to a house where the person was out, he was scared to talk to them (poor kid has inherited my issues). Then he seemed to overcome his fear of people issue only to have a man try to give him pop bottles for recycling. Instead of telling him that's not what he was collecting, he just stood their awkwardly so we had to shout from the car to help him out. Then there was the house that had a massive amount of Halloween decorations and Steven refused to go to the door because he was terrified they were going to start moving or making sounds. I literally had to push him to the front door and he was so upset, "Why are you making me go first!?" So fun.

And that was our super eventful week-- and also I got this super adorable Jr Kinder picture of Lucy. She is just the prettiest!

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