Saturday, October 14, 2017

Zoo, Fire Dept, Star Wars

This week mostly involved me trying to finish up packing and Penny being pretty consistently fussy and needy. I think she heard me bragging about how good she had been the last few weeks so she decided to prove me wrong (as per usual). I still managed to get everything we can pack packed (I think!), I just had to take frequent breaks to try to make her happy. On Tuesday the weather was really nice so after a productive morning, we took a spontaneous trip to the zoo. It was such an excellent decision because it was serious beautiful day and we saw all sorts of fun animals- the gorillas were lounging about, the chimpanzees were pooping (gross!), the lion was pacing her quarters...It was so fun to go with just Penny and so much easier than it usually is. We also loved seeing all the fun pumpkin displays they had there.

Pic Notes- She was pretty nervous to be so close to the crocodile- they are usually not up against the glass. They had also put a bunch of spooky decorations up at the Reptile house that further made for a nervous Penelope!

This week the Hatch home has been full of contention so I tried to do some dates to give the kids some positive attention. I took Steven to the library Wednesday night. He was still kind of a stink and I ended up still being cranky with him on the way back from our date. 9 year old attitudes are SUPER tough. I feel bad because that date did not really serve it's purpose. Thursday night I made another attempt but this time with Lucy and Ben. We went to McDonald's for some ice cream and play time. That went really well until it was time to go home and then I had some whiny kids *sigh* Momhood is so hard but I really am trying!

Saturday morning I wanted to get out of the house so despite the rain we went to the Fire Dept's Open House. Thankfully the rain stopped for a bit and we were able to have some fun getting in the fire trucks and spraying water at a red ball. They also got popcorn, balloons, and their faces painted (Ben & Lucy did, Penny got her hands painted and Steven didn't want either). About the time we finished with things it started raining and so we headed on out.

Our next stop that morning was to the library where they were doing some fun Star Wars crafts to celebrate the new movie coming out. The kids seemed to enjoy making stuff (and sneaking lots of Star Wars themed treats). They also took some fun pictures with Stars Wars masks:

Some other fun moments this week...Monday night there was this amazing sunset that reminded me so much of AZ. Me and the boy took a bike ride and then I sat on the porch and watched the kids pretending to mix a witch's brew and it seriously felt magical. It *sort of* made up for all the hard mom moments that happened this week.

Also, I came in to check on Penny one night and found her with her Fireman's hat on, it was too funny so I had to document it. (Can you believe how bright my phone's flash is!?)

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