Sunday, October 22, 2017


This week we moved into our new home in Commerce. It was a super busy week full of cleaning, boxing, heavy lifting, trying to use my mad Tetris skills to pack my car, unpacking and also painting. The painting is what I am most proud of. I am pretty sure I haven't painted since I was a teenager and I am pretty sure that the reason for that is because I am a terrible painter and though my lines are a mess and there are some drips on the floor- I did it! I painted a whole entire room (mostly) by myself. I had help from Tyler on our first night of the project (some friends were nice enough to watch our kids) but after that he was super busy with other stuff so I was on my own.

So below is a picture of the unicorn sticker that was on the wall in the boy's room. In the next picture you can see the messy result of taking it off. And in the last picture you can see all my hard work. Painting wainscoting is AWFUL and I never want to do it again but seeing how we have it in our kitchen and our bathroom odds are I might have to. I also painted the boy's ceiling and that was just as AWFUL. I had such a crick in my neck when I was all done but I am super happy with the colors and how everything looks so much brighter!

So hard things about this house... Dog hair is the worst, I never want a dog. Long black hair everywhere (even in the fridge). Our coat closet isn't actually deep enough to fit a whole hanger, unless you put it in diagonally. Our well water smells like sulfur, it's pretty awful. Our dryer has the wrong cord/wiring. BUT thankfully the dog hair will eventually disappear right, I have a storage solution for our coats, I read that the well water smell can be fixed and Tyler can fix the cord/wiring.  

Good things about this house...I have a front living room that just has a couch, a piano and a fireplace and I love it! It's a spot just for me! We were worried our long couch wouldn't fit correctly in our back living room, but it does! We have a green grassy yard and my kids don't trail in dirt every time they come back in! We have a guest room! Come visit! We also have a functioning dish washer! No more hand washing dishes all the time! 

We had our first night in the house Friday night. Below are some pics from the first night. Steven petting Luna, the previous owners fed this cat so at first she was here often. Now that we don't feed her she comes WAY less frequently. Tyler surveying our green grassy yard. And all the kids sharing a room since the boys room was still being painted Friday night (it took a VERY long time for them to go to sleep which was major motivation to finish that painting)

Also this week, I had the boys' Parent Teacher Conferences. Steven's teacher informed me that he has a hard time paying attention and she has to say his name several times or give him directions several times. He likes to play with things in his desk. None of this information surprised me. I think I was more surprised that she was the first teacher to complain about it. Despite his struggle with paying attention, he is above average in pretty much everything. I guess the fact that he is doing well in everything makes me less worried about his ADDness. 

Ben's teacher said that he's good in math but he needs to work on his reading fluency. Pretty much already knew that. He also has an issue with talking when he's not supposed to, due mostly to the fact that she has him seated next to his BF, Andrea. 

And 2 funny things:
1) I was in the room cleaning up from painting and asked Lucy to get me the paper towels. She came back with one piece that she had ripped off from the paper towels. Not quite enough for the big job I had ahead of me but she was super proud of herself.

2) Saturday we were pooped so we went to Wendy's to celebrate being finished with moving everything. After the kids ate all their food we got them Frosty's. Penny didn't have a spoon so I told her to get one. She came back with a straw, stuck it in her Frosty and was immediately disappointed when she couldn't get any Frosty out of the straw.

1 comment:

  1. Removing that Unicorn sticker was a crime. I hope your boys forgive you for it someday.

    Congrats on your new house, I hope it's everything you dream and more!
