Sunday, June 11, 2017

Ice Cream, Bicycle Rodeo, Splash Pad

This week...

Monday I got a new found determination to teach Lucy her alphabet. I am embarrassed to admit that my determination only made it through to Tuesday. But we had a strong 2 days :) I used old DVD covers as dry erase boards- a genius idea I found on Pinterest. We worked on the letters ABC and on writing her name. Lucy was very proud of her Queen Lucy drawing and writing:

Also on Monday we went and saw another house that was for sale. There was a lot we loved about the land but the house was lacking in space for us. Afterwards we decided to check out downtown Fenton since a lot of the houses we are looking at are in Fenton. We hit up an ice cream shop there. It was a cute town and the ice cream definitely hit the spot for the kids. 

 On Tuesday I had yet another dentist appointment. This time they cleaned my teeth and it was super painful. I felt like they massacred my gums :(. I had both the girls with me for this unpleasant experience and thankfully they were both well behaved (watching shows on Netflix helps). I am having second thoughts about that dentist though. After the cleaning I told him that my bite felt off with the new crown and he said to schedule a time to come in and fix it. He apparently had a lunch break that couldn't wait. It annoys me that I have to go another week with an uncomfortable bite because he needed to go have his lunch break. Seriously if I can do a cleaning with my two littles, you can procrastinate your lunch break by 5 minutes. He also told me I had to get a mouth guard and was kind of rude about it, like who cares if that's not financially feasible. Urgh.

Tuesday night we had the Cub Scout Bicycle Rodeo. I went with the boys and the girls stayed home with Tyler (he had the YM at our house for mutual that night). A police officer came and I learned that I am basically doing everything wrong in terms of bike safety for my kids. My poor children have a super unsafe mom. Afterwards they got to do lots of fun activities on their bike that help them be better bike riders. The boys had a good time. 

Wednesday I subbed at the boys school and it wasn't too bad for being so close to the end of the school year. The morning went really well. They did get chatty in the afternoon but a recess helped break up that challenge so I survived. Probably my last sub job of the year. We shall see if I keep subbing next year- depends on how adding pick up and drop offs of Lucy changes things. 

Thursday I put together a park play date. I had 4 other ladies and their kids attend so I call that a pretty good turn out. I love when we meet kids at the park because then my girls play with them and are entertained and I can sit back and chat with friends. It was a good morning!

Friday I met my new visiting teachers. One is new to the Ward and she was born and raised in India (she has been living in America for the past 3 years). It was interesting to hear her stories. Also, her telling me that her first plane ride here was with her 6 month twin girls and the flight lasted 18 hours made me feel ridiculous about my complaints about our 4 and half hour flights to AZ and back. Can't even imagine 18 hours in a plane with babies! Sounds like the stuff of nightmares.

Saturday I got asked to play the piano at another baptism. This time they were having it in the chapel and I had to accompany a musical number so that made me extra nervous. Somehow I accompanied all the songs without goofing up too badly and now I am relieved that's over.

Saturday afternoon, we met my friend Elizabeth and her kids at a Splash Park in Farmington Hills. It was her birthday and her husband was out of town so we had some pizza and brownies to celebrate. The kids were silly and after complaining how hot they were during soccer, they complained that it was too cold to get wet at the Splash Park. Oh well, they may not have lasted long at the Splash Pad but they did have lots of fun on the playground that was there. Some pictures of me and Elizabeth and her kids:

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