Monday was Memorial Day. We went to the parade in Milford. Our sweet neighbors saved spots for us which was great because by the time we got there the streets were lined with people. It was a warm day but there was a cool breeze that kept us from roasting. There was no candy (because- a lady told us- this is a solemn affair) but they did pass out flags. The girls loved the flags and were super cute waving to all the people in the parade. They enjoyed most of the parade but near the end there were just a bunch of plain old jeeps that were very slow. After about the 20th jeep the kids were done so we left the parade early and went home. Apparently we missed some cool military vehicles at the end but that's ok, they weren't worth seeing with whiny kids.
The parade was the extent of our Memorial Day fun. I miss having family to BBQ with. I did do a Target run- sans kid- with my neighbor that afternoon but the rest of our day was uneventful.
Tuesday I had a ladies Dr check up with the girls- that's always awkward with them watching on but such is mom life. Afterwards we met some friends for a picnic in the park. It was nice to be invited. I feel like lately, I don't really belong in any of the groups/cliques in our Ward. I am not athletic enough for the marathon group and I have too many kids for the young mom group. *sigh* Anyways, I may have scared them off with my picky, non-organic eating kids but it was still a nice time. Surprisingly warm though- I wore black pants and pretty quickly regretted it. I am not as heat tough as I used to be!
Wednesday after Penny's speech playgroup, we took a walk to the bakery and discovered a window with Pepa Pig made out of post-it-notes. The girls were absolutely thrilled and insisted on taking a picture with it.
Thursday afternoon I had a last minute sub job. It was for a fourth grade class that I have had before and loved. This time they were completely nuts. It was a rough afternoon but I survived. Mostly they were just super distractable and noisy. I am thinking all the kids are suffering from the end of the school year disease.
Friday we went to the farm in Kensington with my friend, Elizabeth. Lucy had fun pretending to be a chicken and peck at her friends, ha ha! It was perfect weather for a farm day and it was fun seeing the cute piglets there.
Saturday was busy. We had soccer games in the morning and afternoon. It was a warm day and it we roasted in the sun during them and girls whined a lot. It wasn't so great. Ben lost his game this time 1-6. Steven tied 1-1. After the soccer game Steven went to a birthday party where he got to see "Captain Underpants". It was a book first- a book full of lots of potty humor so definitely a favorite of Steven.
That night I had the party for my friend Elizabeth, who is moving to North Carolina next month. We held it at the Ormond's house but I basically took care of all the planning and carrying out of it. It turned out really nice in all its simplicity- good amount of people came, food was yummy, weather that evening was perfect. I am sad that she's moving. She has been such a good friend to me and I am going to miss her.
To end with a funny- Lucy made up a song that goes like this "Why do you like me? Why do you hate me?" Only I told her I didn't like the "hate" part so she changed it to "Why do you like me? Why do you laugh at me?" And then she ends it by shouting "Rock N Roll! Rock N Roll!" It's pretty silly!
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