Sunday, May 28, 2017

Dentist Visits, Third Grade Mall, Etc.

This week...

Penny and Lucy went to the dentist for check ups. I was a little nervous that Lucy was not going to do well because of all the traumatic dental work she had to get done previously, but she did so good. Totally cooperative and only grimaced when they flossed her teeth. She was very excited to have cookie dough flavored toothpaste but she said it tasted weird. I bet! 

Penny did good for the most part. They let her lay on my lap while they cleaned her teeth. She got chocolate flavored toothpaste. Penny only started to cry at the end- they paused and I think she thought she was done and she was not happy that they weren't. She also did not like the dentist checking her teeth. Probably for the same reason as before, there was a pause before the dentist came in which deceived her into thinking she was done.

The best part was that their teeth checked out as being cavity free. It's nice to know that we have a break from dental work for another 6 months. Can't you see how happy Penny was about that!?

Tuesday night our realtor took us to this amazing house and we did our first grown up thing- we put an offer on it. The house had 3.6 acres, a pole barn, and was in meticulous condition for being an older house. The house was only 1100 square feet but we could have definitely made it work, especially with the partially finished basement. Unfortunately they put it at such a low price that 14 other people wanted it too. There were 14 other offers and even with us offering $12,000 over the asking price, our offer did not win. First offer, first disappointment.

Friday Steven had his Third Grade Mall/Mini Society. The kids all made goods and sold them for (pretend) money. Steven made a bunch of shrinky dink Minecraft key chains. Originally he really wasn't making anything- he was counting on his business partners to make bookmarks and airplanes- but thankfully I convinced him to contribute. He did really well and he said he sold them all. When I left he still had about 30 left so I am not 100% sure if he actually sold them all or if he maybe gave some away.

The girls and I had fun buying various products from the Third Grade Mall with the money the teachers gave us. Lucy got her nails done and Penny chowed down on some homemade chocolates.

Friday evening the boys went to the Father/Son's Camp Out. The boys picked up McDonald's to eat there and then played various games- Capture the Flag, Ghost in the Graveyard... The camp out was on someone's property and this someone had chickens so the boys were all awaken by a lovely Rooster in the am. Despite getting very little sleep, they still seemed to have a super time.

While the boys were at the camp out, I took the girls to the park. It was a beautiful day and while were checking the river for fish, I couldn't help but be grateful for the beauty that surrounded us.

Saturday the boys had their soccer games and Ben's team won for the very first time! Also Ben scored a goal for the very first time! He took that ball all the way from one side of the field to the goal. He was so proud and so were we! He also let in the only goal the other team made that game, but after that his dad gave him some advice and he kept out several other goals. It is so fun to see him improve so much. Steven's team on the other hand got absolutely creamed. Oh well, maybe next time will be their turn!

Saturday, Tyler and I were able to go the Temple and then out for dinner. We hadn't been out since my mom was here in February. It was so nice to get out together and it was so nice to go to the temple. We hadn't been to the temple for much too long. I need to be better about making time for the temple and for dates.

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