Sunday, May 21, 2017

Walks, Subbing & Soccer Goals

This week Michigan continued with it's bipolar ways. We started off the week with perfect weather, then went to super hot (for Michigan) weather and ended with COLD weather. While the weather was being kind to us I decided to take the girls to Kensington so we could enjoy it. Me and the girls took a walk on a nature trail and had a pretty great time. They both actually walked the whole time which was impressive, usually I end up carrying one of them. Our only hiccup on the trail was some super friendly cranes that played a game of chicken with the girls- they just kept walking towards the girls and terrified them!

On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, I was able to sub for a second grade class. They were a really well behaved class and I really enjoyed being their teacher for those few days. The only downfall to the sub job was that my class occasionally combined with the class next door for lessons and I had to teach some of these lessons.

The class next door was super disrespectful and the teacher next door didn't come in to help me out. I was alone with like 60 kids and half of them were just noisy and rude. I had one really awful moment with both classes when, in an attempt to calm them down, I allowed them to stretch their wiggles out and give a little shout. That was not my brightest idea, they refused to STOP shouting and at the noisy moment, the office called in to ask for a student. Only at that moment did the other teacher come in to help me out. Super fun. 

But besides struggling with the combined classes (And a really loud assembly- can we say headache?) it was a great sub job.

Saturday the boys had soccer games as per usual and this time they scored some goals! Ben's team tied and Steven's team won! It was nice to see them matched against equally skilled teams for once and not to have to watch them just get creamed! Picture below was taken by Steven and includes his teammate (and our neighbor) Eva.

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