Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Soccer and Mother's Day


The boys have started soccer and it's been super fun watching them. They each have had 2 games so far and neither one of them have won a game yet. Both of them are just on super polite teams that don't want to steal the ball (or get close to the ball) when the other team has it. That would be rude, right?

Steven did not do so good the first week at being a Goalie, he was super distractable. In fact he was doing so poorly that he decided he should trade positions with another team member, without asking the coach. Stink face! He did much better his second game as Goalie though, he just needed some practice. Steven also informed me that his favorite part of soccer is when he is on the sidelines hanging out with his friends, ha ha! 

Ben may not be a great Goalie either but he does have some pretty awesome dance moves that he performs while waiting for the ball to come in his direction. Gotta love his silly personality!

The other week Steven earned his whittling badge by carving soap so he was deemed worthy of getting his own pocket knife. He's not allowed to take it to school, for obvious reasons, but he loves being able to whip that thing at home when something needs cutting.

Last week the girls got their bangs trimmed- I missed seeing their eyes. A lady in a Ward did it for me and she only lives a short drive away so we decided to walk. Unfortunately I made the poor choice of choosing a path with a very steep hill. We almost didn't make it, of that I'm sure. Thankfully we picked a better, non-steep hill, way home. I think Lucy's face below shows how she felt about walking up that hill:

Also last week, the girls went to story time at the library and made this fun Mr. Potato Head craft and as cute as it is, that's not my reason for documenting it. If you look closely at the top of the one on the left, you can see that Lucy wrote her name on it and this was the first time she put all the letters in her name in the correct order!

This past Friday I substituted for the super hard Kindergarten class (the one where a kid hit another one and then that kid threatened the hitter with scissors). I decided that this time, instead of only praying for help to get through the day, I would take some initiative. I made and brought some things that I thought might help distract or calm down the aggressive boy. While in reward to all my hard efforts, he didn't come to school that day. Neither did 3 other kids who are also tough kids. It made for a super easy day! 

Sunday was Mother's Day. Benjamin had told me the night before that he was so excited for Mother's Day because he couldn't wait to give me my gifts. He's such a sweet boy! The kids set up the gifts and then had me come down to get them. From Ben: The Super Mom book. I love these books where they answers questions about me. Apparently my favorite thing to do is shop at Walmart ;). He also made me a flower and a thumb print necklace. From Steven: A decorated tile and a card. He said he didn't write on the inside because he didn't have to. I am so loved, ha ha. From Lucy: she made me a card with a drawing of me her and Penny. From Tyler: fancy colored pencils for my lettering projects, a card and flowers. 

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