Saturday, April 29, 2017

Finishing Out April

Another slow week at the Hatch home which is fine by me. Things that happened this week:

- After cleaning the house Monday we went to the park. This little girl was playing with Lucy so I attempted to make small talk with the girl's mom. Well I had mentioned what my husband did so I asked her what hers did. She corrected me "My partner/my wife does..." It was a bit awkward. She also told me that the PI company she works for is always looking for people to watch videos and write up reports on them. Future career for me?

-We went to story time at the library with a friend again. Lucy loves the songs that she is learning there and sings them randomly. There's "zoom zoom zoom we're going to the moon" and " icky sticky bubble gum"

- Penny had her speech play group per usual this week but suddenly decided she wanted nothing to do with her teachers. Every time one of her teachers came to sit with her or even just stand by her, she ran away from them. That actually sums up her attitude this week. We have taken lots of selfies in hopes of curing those grumpies.

- This week I got more work done on my tooth. They did the crown on my tooth that had gotten a root canal. It hurt more than I expected. The root canal had been so pain free that I expected the crown to be a breeze but it wasn't so much. Thankfully it is already feeling better.

- I went to Book Club and enjoyed socializing with friends and talking about the book "A Man Called Ove." It is such a good book, highly recommend!

- Thursday I got to watch Lucy's friend Peter and Peter's little sister. Lucy and Penny absolutely loved having a baby in their home. They both wanted to hold her and love on her but she basically slept the whole time so instead they got to just sit and admire her.

- The boys had their first official Soccer practice this week. It had been a warm day but that evening a cool wind started up and it was really COLD. The girls whined the whole time and it made for a less than fun practice. I am hoping next week will be better!

- I got Penny to nap *twice* this week! Penny has been so anti nap lately but as I said previously, she has also been grumpy lately. I think she needs the naps still- at least every once in awhile. So when she does take a nap it's miraculous and she usually wakes up a much happier person.

- The boys had a Color Run at school Friday (it was part of a fundraiser). I didn't go but some nice friends sent me some pictures. The kids came home still pretty colorful and it took 2 showers to get rid of it all- mostly because they don't seem to understand that scrubbing is an important part of showering.

Another week down. Tomorrow we head off to The Great Wolf Lodge- I am pretty excited!

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