Saturday, February 11, 2017

Steven's Birthday

Steven is smart, curious, chatty, quirky, funny, stubborn and super excellent at pushing my buttons, ha ha! I love this kid and don't know he got so old but yesterday he turned the big 9. To start off his special day, he requested Lucky Charms for breakfast. The girls got some Lucky Charms too and only ate the marshmallows. I'm surrounded by sugarholics (myself included). 

It's fast becoming a tradition for the kids to open their presents the morning of their birthday so Steven of course insisted on opening his as soon as he was awake. All he wanted for his birthday was a giant Minecraft Lego set and the spoiled boy got it (it was from me & Tyler & Grandma & Grandpa Brady). He got this giant set and a crystal growing kit from his Grandma and Grandpa Hatch and he was in heaven:

I had originally planned on taking Steven out to lunch for his birthday but I ended up subbing for Ben's class so the night before I let him pick out a fancy Lunchable. Honestly, I think he was more excited about his Lunchable than he had been about me taking him to lunch.

After school Steven had his best buddy, Max, over for pizza and cake. Tyler had made it back home from being up North in time to decorate a Creeper cake for Steven. It was one of the easiest cakes Tyler has made- green frosting and edible black paper for the face- and it was the perfect cake for a Minecraft obsessed boy. 

After stuffing their faces all the boys went and saw "Lego Batman." They loved it so I think it was a genuinely a perfect ninth birthday for Steven and honestly one of the least stressful birthdays we have had around here.

And ending with some funnies... We were listening to a song from Sophia the First and it said something about only eating on china. I hear Lucy ask from the back of the car, "Did he just say 'gina?" No, he did not just say vagina. Ugh.

When I subbed in Ben's class yesterday it was the 100th day of school and they celebrated by filling out posters about 100 things. Two funny spelling mistakes I saw:

What is something you learned in the last 100 days? How to spall.
If you could have 100 of something what would it be? Hellthee snacks.

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