Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Scouts & Valentines

A couple weeks ago we had our Ward's Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet. At the Banquet Steven was advanced to a Bear. This meant that I got to paint symbolic paint on Steven's face and his new Scout Leader got to give him his new neckerchief. 

After presenting awards and eating dinner, they had some fun relay races for the kids to do. In one of the races, the kids had to get dressed in fishing gear and then go catch a fish. Steven looked pretty fun all geared up:

They also did a potato sack race but with sleeping bags. It was so funny to watch as they all came out of their sleeping bags while running and ended up just dragging them behind them. 

A few days later it was Valentines Day. Usually I try to do fun stuff but I feel like all the fun Valentines stuff I wanted to do included treats and since we are trying to cut back on treats I ended up not doing anything fun for the kids. I was pretty lame for Valentines this year. The only extra special thing I did was to get them their usual "love gifts." The boys got Minecraft Activity Books, Penny got a Barbie, and Lucy got a Shopkins Game that she has really loved playing with her brothers. Lucy doesn't really love playing it with Penny because Penny struggles to follow the rules and Penny also tends to lay on the board *sigh*

The boys both exchanged Valentines at school. We had an emoji theme this year. Ben put his favorite emoji, the poop, nice and big on his Valentines Box. Steven glued Minecraft faces on his Emoji Valentine box. Unfortunately the letters in Steven's name kept falling off and by the time Valentines was over, he just had a "ST". They passed out emoji Valentines Cards and wristbands. 

Even though I was lame for Valentine's Day, a friend of mine was not. She hosted a party for the littles in our Ward. They decorated boxes- we covered our boxes with Little Mermaid Wrapping paper and then Lucy covered hers with Shopkin stickers and Penny covered hers with Barbie stickers. Then they exchanged Valentines. Lucy used leftovers from the boys- she cut them herself (super crooked) and she signed her name (all the right letters in all the wrong order). Penny gave out sticker Valentines (I got Steven to write From Penny on all of hers). 

After that they all decorated cupcakes and then gobbled them down The girls insisted on licking their cupcake wrappers clean- those two have such great etiquette

And that was our super exciting Valentines Day :) 

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