Saturday, January 21, 2017

Museum, Donuts, Indoor Playground

First off, news on Tyler's winter testing this year. They forgot to order him a vehicle to test, so he has to borrow one and that has made his schedule really weird. Last week he left on a Thursday and drove back on Monday (MLK Day). Then he had Tuesday and Wednesday off since he was working through the weekend. And now he has left again on a Thursday and will be once again coming back on Monday. After these 2 weird weeks, he should just be gone the usual Monday-Friday and I am hopeful for that. It is really hard to have him gone on the weekends when all the kids are home. It is also challenging to do church completely alone.

So since Monday was MLK Day, there was no school, so we celebrated by meeting some friends at the Henry Ford Museum. The Museum was having a free admission day which meant it was super busy. The kids didn't mind one bit, they still had fun! I did mind, though. I had a hard time keeping track of all 4 of them, especially Lucy. She kept going different directions then everyone else or she would just get pokey. As we were walking to the food court to eat lunch I thought she was right beside me until my friend asked where she was. She was WAY behind us sitting on a bench. I am thankful for my friend because I seriously almost lost her.

The kids spent the most time at the LEGO stations (there's one with little LEGO's and one with the DUPLO LEGO's): 

That day we got lots of rain and that night it all froze to make for some super icy roads. They cancelled school Tuesday because of the icy roads. It turned our 3 day weekend into a 4 day weekend which was made crummy with Tyler being gone most of it. He came back in town Monday afternoon and then spent his day off on Tuesday putting in a water heater for someone in the Ward. So yeah-- long 4 day weekend with the kids *sigh*.

With Tyler off on Wednesday (and not installing a water heater) we decided I would sub that day. I had one of the easiest sub jobs ever! I subbed for a resource teacher classroom and never had more than 5 kids at a time. She had me put most of the kids on the computer to practice reading and math and then a lot of the kids just came to her room for learning breaks. Seriously a ridiculously slow and easy day. I wish they could all be like that!

Thursday we watched Lucy's friend Peter and since the weather was unseasonably warm, we took a walk down to the bakery and got some sprinkle donuts. Penny was hilarious and worked very slowly at eating all the sprinkles and icing off first...

Thursday night, Steven's teacher sent me an email, asking me to sub for her Friday. I wasn't planning on doing another sub job but since it went well the last time and I usually like being with my kids, I decided to do it. I regret that decision. Steven was a complete stinker to me that morning and his behavior continued while I was his guest teacher. The other kids were not any better. They were really rowdy and not great listeners at all. It was such a long, challenging day... 

And then I came home and needed groceries. I had been planning on doing that with just the girls that morning but since I subbed I ended up taking all of them by myself (since Tyler is out of town) and ugh, double exhausting. I made the mistake of filling a water jug and when I set it back in the cart, I sat it on top of a box of band aides. When I was unloading the groceries, I found the stolen *squashed* box of band aides and had to run back in the store with all the kids and buy it. Super fun.

Today, Saturday, has kind of made up for the not so good Friday. Some friends had told me about this church that has an indoor playground and soccer field and I decided it was time to go check it out. I am so glad I did! The indoor playground was like a McDonald's playground on steroids. It had two different levels and was so fun. And the boys were so sweet, they totally took Penny under their wings and helped her climbing in the tunnels and up any stairs. They all had so much fun:

After lots of playing they were super thirsty so we got some juice from the cafe and re-hydrated:

When we finished the juice it was lunchtime so I thought we would do a quick run in the soccer field and then go home but we ended up spending a lot of time in the field. The boys had so much fun kicking goals and the girls had fun too.

We could have spent a lot longer their but we were all in need of some food and I didn't feel like buying any so we headed home. It was a good day!

And I have really been practicing my calligraphy and I feel like I have been getting better so here is my latest work:

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