Saturday, October 10, 2015

Conference, Haircuts & Fire Station Fun

Last weekend was Conference weekend which I love Conference itself but I don't love trying to watch Conference with kids. I'm still not sure what to have the kids so during Conference. I know many families put together fun conference/church related activities for their children and I've done that before and I'm just not sure it's worth the effort. The last few conferences we've had the kids earn candy when they hear the prophets and apostles say certain words but the novelty of that activity has worn off and their less inclined to listen these days. Frankly I find conference a lot more enjoyable when they go play in their rooms but then I feel like I should start getting them in the habit of sitting for conference now so that they understand it's important. Ugh, kids make everything so difficult! But at least they're cute. Penny & Lucy did take turns sitting in their favorite little chair during Conference:

This week the weather started off super lovely. A little cool in the morning and the perfect temperature come lunch time. Due to this delicious weather, I walked the kids to school THREE times this week. I am really starting to love walking TO school with the kids but I still do not love the walk back. The girls usually get cranky and whine the whole wagon ride home. It makes the walk back not so fun. 

This lovely weather also made for some nice lunch times spent on the front porch:

And lots of time coloring on our sidewalk. (Please excuse Lucy's zombie look above and angry face below. This girl is something else ;) ): 

Also this week, Lucy and I got haircuts- maybe you can tell from the pictures above but here is the back of it:

Other happenings this week: lunch bunch with an apple themes (I made a trail mix with dehydrated apples that was not super delicious), I had an eye appointment where I learned my vision was not miraculously cured but at least it hasn't worsened, and Tyler and I had a temple date courtesy of a friend in the Ward. 

And today I took the kids to an open house at the Wixom Fire Station while Tyler was at a Scout Meeting. The kids got to spray a red ball with a fire hose to make it move down a rope. Lucy was so eager to hold the hose but then when the fireman told her he was going to let go and let her do it, she just walked off. We got to go in the building where the firemen exercise and do practice runs. Against one wall their was dummy that had duct tape around its mouth and it looked like it had seen better days. When Lucy saw it she said, "Mom! Dead guy!" As we were walking up the stairs in the building, Steven looked out the window at a stopping point and got super nervous and refused to go any higher. YET, he was the only one of my kids who would climb down a ladder that they had on the bottom floor. Weird kid. We also got to see the firemen chop up a car, that was pretty fun. Steven got really sassy at the end and made me cranky but besides that, a good time was had.

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