Saturday, October 17, 2015


This week all the Fall colors have really exploded! The road I typically take to Walmart has been under construction so I have been taking a back road instead. This is a bumpy, dirt road but it is also surrounded by trees and right now, so pretty! As I was taking it to Walmart this week, I had to stop once to let a deer cross the road and another time for wild turkeys. It's a pretty beautiful life. I just wish this road had somewhere to pull off so I could take pictures of all its beauty. 

About Tuesday, the weather took a turn to the cold. We've been in the 40's and low 50's since then and I'm already pulling out my sweaters. But before it got cold, we did manage to do some playing outside. While playing, Tyler insisted on pulling out these super prickly bushes using his truck. The boys enjoyed riding in the back of the truck while he did this. Here are the cute pictures of them on top of the truck after the bushes were removed:

The boys had their annual check ups this week (I was only like 7 months late scheduling these). I told them there wouldn't be any shots, except it turns out flu vaccinations were out. Since Steven has asthma, they couldn't do the nasal spray on him and he was NOT happy about this. He completely freaked out when it was his turn and hid himself in between the check up table and the wall. From his hiding spot, he insisted that Penny get her shot first- isn't he a good older brother? After she got hers, with some bribery, I was able to get him to sit for the shot but he cried like a baby after they gave it to him. So embarrassing!

His behavior also got Ben & Lucy freaked out, even though they just had to get the nasal spray. Lucy kept saying "I'm scared!" and then afterwards she told pretty much everyone "Doctor got my nose" and then would sniff like she had to do after getting the spray.

The next day, I went to Meijer's to pick up Steven's inhaler (which was a ridiculous $50!) and I decided to take Lucy to look at toys in hopes of finding something I could get her for her birthday. Well, she found 2 things she absolutely had to have and since they were on sale I went ahead and bought them. The only problem was Lucy did not understand that she couldn't have them until her birthday so she threw a royal fit. So when we got home I plopped Lucy's whiny self in front of the TV, got the presents out of the van, hid them and then lied to her (I'm such a good mom right?). I told her that a bad guy stole her presents and she fell for it hook, line and sinker. When Tyler came home she very angrily told him "Dad! Bad guy stole my presents!" And every time we get into the van she will gaze where the presents were in it and say "Mom, bad guy stole my presents." Apparently my lie will not be easily forgotten.

Wednesday night, my Bunco group had their first game night. I was invited to a BUNCO group with some ladies in the Ward, most of them are about a decade older then me so I am the youngin' in the group. There was a nice sit down dinner of lasagna, then they went over the rules so we could get a rollin'. Although I didn't win anything, it was nice to get out and socialize with some fellow ladies.

Friday morning I took the girls to an indoor play place with our buddy Wesley and they had a blast:

And that is my week in a nutshell :)

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