Saturday, August 15, 2015


Last week Steven went to summer camp at Oakland Yard Athletics. It was a 25 minute drive there which made for lots of driving but the camp lasted for 3 hours each day so it wasn't like we got home and just had to leave again to pick him up. It was a camp that basically introduced Steven to different sports and games. The camp also provided him with a daily supply of freezy pops, lunch and a super long slip and slide to play on. It was no wonder that Steven enjoyed the camp. 

This week, it was Ben's turn to go to the same camp (just this one was for "rookies" not "veterans"). I was a bit nervous because he hasn't done preschool or anything and sometimes he can be kind of chicken liver about doing new things. Thankfully this was not one of those times. He did so good with me leaving him and he had so much fun. He even went on the slip and slide which had originally been a reason he didn't want to go to camp (he was SO scared of it). I was proud of how brave he was and I am feeling much better about him starting Kindergarten next month!

Penny turns one next week- I still feel in denial that she can be THAT old! She is still not crawling or walking but she gets along just fine by rolling and she still manages to get into plenty of trouble. This week she got into the diapers and made a super fun mess: 

And this week she also made folding laundry pretty darn impossible. She loves to grab the things that I just folded and throw them everywhere. Not so helpful:

A big achievement this week was that Penny and Lucy officially began sharing a room and they did great! All this time I was so stressed that they would wake each other up and room sharing would be a total nightmare but it totally wasn't. It is so nice to not be sharing my room with Penny anymore!

Thursday we also took our typical trip to the Farmer's Market with our friend Tina and her daughter Maizie. I had to get some apple pie for Laci (she has been dying for it and had super bad luck with it always being out when she went to get some) and I also ended up getting a yummy coconut pie for me. As per tradition the kids had to stop at the craft table. This week they made a coffee filter butterfly. They turned out super cute:

Thursday night Tyler had a Young Men's meeting. Since Laci's husband is in Young Men's she came over and we watched "A Knight's Tale" and ate pie while the boys had their boring meeting. I forgot how silly that movie was but it made for a good time.

Friday night we watched Laci's little boy, Wesley. That kid is the cutest and super easy to watch. And even though he's a year younger than Lucy, they get along really well. They had fun playing in dirt, and taking turns watering our plants:

And I must end the post with the good news that I got a kayak this week!!! Not the best picture thanks to terrible lighting but I am super happy with my lime green kayak:

I hadn't gotten anything for my 30th birthday and there was a super good sale that just couldn't be resisted so now I have my very own kayak. Too bad I am still in need of a paddle and a life vest. Hopefully by next summer I will have all the things I need to make it completely usable :)

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