Saturday, August 29, 2015

Fat lip, Dr Appointment, Kensington & Kayaking

Poor Penelope got a major fat lip this past Sunday. Steven put her in a little swing we have and then he walked away. Of course she wasn't buckled in and her balance is not super so she face planted it. It was a sad story until we gave her a Popsicle. Popsicle's make everything better:

Then Monday there was this sad moment when the fruit pouch ran dry and I didn't have more of that same flavor. Seriously the end of the world:

And to add salt in the wound, I took her to her one year check up after this sad moment. At the doctor's office Penny suffered from some major PTSD and pretty much cried any time the Nurse or Doctor got near her. The whole appointment was an epic disaster. We had to wait for 40 minutes for the nurse to come back in and give Penny her shots. Penny was already fussy, Steven was in a super whiny mood, Benny kept messing up the blinds and Lucy was just plain trouble. It was horrible but at least next time I go, both boys will be in school.

And the stats from her appointment: Weight: 18.1 lbs (Lucy weighed 17 lbs at her 6 month check up- crazy how different they are) Height: 29.5 in and Head Circ: 18 in

On Tuesday the temps were cool, 60's all day, so we decided to take a walk in Kensington. To be honest I regretted not wearing a jacket- apparently I am not as adapt to cool Michigan weather as I think I am- but despite being chilly it was a nice walk.Even Steven who had whined that he didn't want to go had a good time and I couldn't resist taking lots of cute scenic pictures:

 The rest of our week was pretty uneventful. Laci & Wesley came over one morning, we did some grocery shopping another (and while shopping the boys pretended they had an invisible friend the entire time "my invisible friend is going to buy this" "well mine is going to get that"), the kids all got new tennis shoes (Tyler picked out Twinkle Toe Sketchers for Lucy, they're pretty fun), we went to our Ward play date at a park on Friday morning (the park had this new swing that was basically a connected regular swing and baby swing- it was awesome) and Friday afternoon Lucy helped me make some cookies: 

The boys then fought over cookie dough, more like Steven fought over it. He yelled at Ben for scraping cookie dough off with a spoon that he had licked and told him he needed to use his finger instead. As if that's more sanitary. 

Friday night we went to the Ormond's house for a movie party in their backyard. Their were s'mores and popcorn and we watched the movie "Home." I wish I had taken some pictures, it was a good time. Well, except for both Benny and Lucy falling off the steps while waiting to jump on the trampoline. And besides me getting eaten alive by mosquito's. But seriously, a good time :).

Also this week I went to Olive Garden with my friend Carina and then we did some window shopping at the mall. She is a busy med student and mommy and so she desperately needed a break. I was glad to give her a reason to take one.

And I used my brand spanking new sewing machine to sew some pillow covers for our throw pillows we have on our couch. These were just my trial run with some cheap-o fabric and they may look ok in the picture but they definitely have many faults (like holes...). However I think I'm figuring things out and am hoping to make the real ones soon!

Today we took my kayak out for a trial run since my paddle came in the mail this week. My kayak is much more tipsy then the one I borrowed and since we don't have life jackets yet and I am not the bestest paddler, I let Tyler take the kids out in it (after taking my own turn of course). Lucy, Benny and Steven each got a turn and then the rain came tumbling down. What is it about me kayaking that brings out the rain!?


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