Monday, August 10, 2015

I Make 30's Look Good...

So I woke up on my 30th birthday to the sweet sound of rain. Only it wasn't so sweet because I had plans to go kayaking that morning with Laci. I was not happy with the rain but when it came time for us to launch the kayaks we had borrowed, it had disappeared and things were looking good. Although, maybe not so good because the first thing I did once in my kayak was to paddle myself right into the bank. It was my first time in a kayak and I didn't know what I was doing! It was super embarrassing and Tyler was still there to witness it (he had helped us transport the kayaks) but thankfully Tyler and Laci didn't mock me TOO bad. 

After that beginning embarrassment, my skills improved and there was no more crashing. Just chatting and paddling and enjoying the serenity of it all:

And just moments after I took the picture above, it started to rain again. We got pretty wet but we decided that was ok because a little rain never hurt anyone. Here's what I looked like after the drenching: 

I must confess that after we were done kayaking, I realized just how drenched and cold I was. It was not a sunny day and the temps were in the high 60's. But it was so worth it. I had a great time with this sweet lady:

After returning the kayaks, I came home and put the girls down for a nap and then took the boys out to Milford Memories. It's a super fun arts and crafts festival that our town has and it is literally only a couple blocks away from our home (which is a blessing and a curse because the traffic it brings is incredibly not fun). The boys had a blast pretending to put out fires with this super nerdy firefighter (seriously, he gave Ben bunny ears in the picture- look closely):

Then the boys played some carnival games, got tattoo's and did some crafts:

And then it was time for me to get some lunch. I got 2 amazing soft pretzels (one original and one topped with pepperoni's) that I had to begrudgingly share with my boys. And then for dessert I had black cherry flavored shaved ice with cream- it was super delicious:

 We had a little bit of down time after our festival fun and then it was time to go celebrate my birthday with some friends at the beach at Spring Mill Pond. The weather was still not ideal for playing at a beach but thankfully the rain at least stayed away this time. The kids didn't mind the cold and seemed to have a good time regardless. So there was beach playing, sandwich eating and cake munching fun with the Hess's the Connell's and the Brandley's. 

Tina Connel, sweet as can be:

Wesley, Laci and Penny

Mandi & David Hess

Tyler and Mark both put on their "cool" faces for the camera:

A picture taken at home that shows you just how rude my cake maker husband is:

Blowing out the candles, always a super flattering picture:

Posing with the cake and my cute kids:

Mazie Connell

The Hess girls, Abby & Kelhanie

It was definitely a good 30th birthday and I ended the day feeling very loved...and kind of old ;)

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