It was so great having Poppy in Michigan with us! Saturday was a day to readjust to the time difference and get settled back in. We all slept in late! That afternoon we took a walk in Kensington in the muggy Michigan heat. We all got pretty sweaty but we fed some fish and turtles, saw some cranes and even saw some wild turkeys so a good time was still had.
Sunday was church day. Steven had some major coughing issues Saturday night and we thought Poppy would stay home with him but 10 minutes before we needed to leave, Steven decided he wanted to come so Poppy came too. And because my van hates church, it decided not to start when church was over. Once again, Tyler thought he had solved the problem but nope. That van refuses to be fixed and is the bane of my existence.
Monday afternoon we took Poppy raspberry and blueberry picking at Spicer's Orchard. The Brandley family joined us on our berry picking adventure. Despite the hot temperatures I think Poppy was in heaven because he does love his berries and he was definitely the expert on which ones were ready for the eating.
Not only did Penny want to hold the bucket but she wanted to devour all the raspberries that were in it!
Lucy adores Wesley, although she calls him "Lesley" due to her speech impediment. Today Steven and Lucy had this conversation:
Steven: What's your first name?
Lucy: 2!
Steven: What's your middle name?
Lucy: Lucy!
Steven:What's your last name?
Lucy: Lesley!
Seriously Wesley is her favorite!
I think it's safe to say that Benny is a fan of Wesley as well:
Tuesday we went to the mall and got Lucy an overpriced haircut. They took an inch and half off and straightened her bangs but it looks pretty much the same to me- lesson learned. Then that evening we all went to Guernsey Dairy and had dinner and some ice cream. We are such a big group that we actually had to sit in 2 tables. Poppy sat with the boys at one and Tyler and I with the girls at the other. Lucy managed to poke herself in the eye with a straw. When we noticed how bad it looked the next day, Tyler got concerned. As I was consulting the all knowledgeable google about what to do, Steven got concerned and asked "If Lucy dies, you're going to have to make another kid." Nice to know that Steven finds her so replaceable.
Wednesday morning was spent at Target with Poppy spoiling his grandkids. Seriously- they are so spoiled! That evening we picked up some Subway and had dinner at Mills Pond.It was pouring down rain as we picked up food but thankfully the rain listened to me and stopped and did not come back! Mills Pond was such a pretty "beach" with clear water, pebbly sand and trees on one end. The kids had a blast playing in the water and I even got in for once. Poppy did not have a swimsuit though so he just watched us from the picnic table. The weather was good and so was the scenery so I think it was some nice R&R time for him.
Thursday we decided to go the Science Museum in Detroit. I was weary of going because our van has been giving us issues, especially when it has to sit outside in the heat for awhile. But the morning was cool and I decided we would take the chance. I'm glad we took the chance! The kids really love the Science Museum and I think Poppy found some of the exhibits interesting.
Thursday afternoon I went with Poppy and a few friends to the Farmer's Market. He got some muffins for Grandma but my friends were disappointed that Granny had not made any apple pie that week.It was a beautiful day and we all sat outside in my front yard socializing for a bit.

After a burger from The Burger Joint, we all stopped and got some ice cream from Main St. Apparently ice cream every night is a must when you are hanging out with Poppy ;)
And once again all our fun times came quickly to an end and Poppy had to go back to Arizona Friday morning. We were so sad to see him go. Though my kids may not always show it, I know they love him loads and miss him lots when they are apart. Lucy even woke up this morning asking where her Poppy was. We hope that Poppy will come back and visit soon!
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