Saturday, June 13, 2015


Last Saturday our community had their annual picnic. The weather was perfect and with free hot dogs and free ice cream, there is no way we would miss it! I headed over early with the boys and Penny (Lucy was napping). The boys had a blast in the bounce houses and then we got our hot dogs and waited for a bazillion years to get a free ride on a horse. Tyler and Lucy timed it just right, arriving when we were just a few people away from our turn. Steven and Lucy had no problem getting on the horse but Ben had a bit of anxiety. I ended up walking with him and that calmed him down. After the horse ride, we got some ice cream and then they sat on a fire truck. Fun times!

On Wednesday Steven had his First Grade Celebration. We got to look at work they made throughout the year, they had an awards ceremony where he got the "Smarties Award" for being such a Smartie (obviously), they sang a super cute song called "What I am" and then we watched a fun slideshow. At the end they had some extra time so Mrs.Rupp asked if any of the kids wanted to say something. Some kids got up and totally cried as they told how much they loved first grade and how much smarter they had gotten. It was pretty adorable. Of course Steven was oblivious to the touching moment and was whining to me about how hungry he was.

First grade really has been a good year. Mrs. Rupp was a great teacher for him, his class was full of awesome friends (including 2 from church- the only 2 in kinder at Kurtz nonetheless) and he made good progress. I am glad that I made the choice to not have him loop up with his Kindergarten teacher, I feel like he was so much happier this year. 

Picking up Steven from school on the last day of school is a challenge- people park in the parent pick up line and then don't get into their cars until WAY after the bell has rung. As I was dealing with this frustration, I failed to notice that Lucy was squeezing the entire contents of a bottle of hand sanitizer onto her head and seat. She was pretty proud of herself and hey- her car seat has never been so sanitized!

After washing the sanitizer out of her hair, we headed to the Farmer's Market with my friend Tina and her daughter Maizie. The kids did a fun butterfly craft and had some yummy chocolate chip cookies (Penny also had a piece of the deliciousness).

Later that night Penny overwhelmed with her complete cuteness. She has been one of my most challenging babies giving me troubles with everything- nursing, sleeping, eating solids, being happy...EVERYTHING. Her adorableness is definitely her saving grace!

Saturday the library had its summer program kick off. There was hardly anyone there which was super nice. The  kids got tattoos, got their face/arms painted, made a superhero mask, and made a necklace. There was also a man on stilts who the kids found rather terrifying. It took them awhile for the boys to decide they were ok with standing near him. Lucy never got there.

The nice Librarian took a few pictures and shared them on the Library's website since I had failed to bring my phone and my camera.

Are you surprised the boys wanted Creepers? Can we say obsessed?

She didn't get any pictures of Lucy so I got a couple when I got home:

I'm not sure what that face is about but seriously, that face!

I got 2 girl's nights this week. Can we say spoiled? Wednesday night I went and saw "Pitch Perfect 2" with 2 ladies from the Ward (Ashley who is in the Primary Presidency with me and Mandi whose son is in Steven's class and whose daughter babysits for us- love her family!). It was a ridiculous movie and definitely not the cleanest movie but...still had some good moments. And Friday night I attempted to wrangle a group to go to the Cheesecake Factory but apparently was lacking in cool factor and only one person was nice enough to come. That's Ok because it was my buddy Laci and and she is super fun and we had a blast. I'm so grateful Heavenly Father sent her my way- she moved here in January. We really mesh well and she doesn't seem weirded out by my social awkwardness so I think we may have a winner here ;) All in all another fabulous week down! Now 14 more sleeps until AZ!!!!

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