Sunday, September 14, 2014

Life With 4 Update

This week was my first week officially on my own with 4 kids and it definitely had some rough moments but I survived. I am still constantly nursing Penny and that makes being a mom to all my other kids super tough. It also makes getting anything done around the house tough. Thankfully my constant nursing has paid off and when we went to the doctor Wednesday she had gained 6 ounces- YIPPEE! I'm going to continue to nurse like a crazy lady and if she is still good at her 1 month appointment (which is actually when she is 5 weeks old), then I may allow myself to cut her off some.

Despite feeding her all the time, she still finds lots of time to be awake and fussy. She is also up at least 3 times during the night. She is definitely turning out to be one of my hardest babies (or maybe I've just blocked out all the trauma caused by my previous babies?). She is lucky that she is so adorable and that she has occasional moments of contentment to keep me from going crazy:

I think Steven is really liking this school year better than he did last semester. He is talking more about things he does in class and the kids he plays with. All positive things too! This makes me happy that I didn't have him loop up with his Kinder teacher. He just didn't seem happy in that class.

Thursday night at dinner we asked Steven what the best part of his day was. His answer "Doing my homework!" I wonder how long that will last.

Also, Steven is getting in touch with his nurturing side. The other day he put one of Lucy's baby doll diapers on this giraffe. Yes, it was backwards but I think we can rectify that. I might just be able to have him change Penny's diapers soon:

Sometimes Lucy totally ignores the baby and other times she starts shouting "Mine, mine, mine!" which is her way of expressing that she wants to hold Penny. And yes, she sounds exactly like the seagulls on Finding Nemo. Getting annoyed with her way of asking her, I finally told her, "No! Say Please!" So she did. It was super cute and had to be rewarded. 

Often when Penny cries (which is often) Lucy will say, "Ok!Ok!Ok!" in attempt to help Penny feel better. 

Now that I have a newborn I look at Lucy and can't believe what a giant she is. How did she go from being my baby to being such a giant!? 

Oh the poor middle child, Benny! I always have a hard time thinking of things to write about him. He is much quieter around the house now that Steven is back in school. He loves to kiss on Penny (usually when she's just fallen asleep). He is doing good with the preschool workbook we are working on and he knows most of his ABC's. I can't believe he'll be in school in just 1 more year. I may not have any fun stories about him but I do love my middle child Ben:

And because I feel the need to complain, the weather here has already cooled down. With lows in the 40s and highs in the 60s. I already turned on the heater because I am a huge baby and it's only September! September people! I keep looking at the extended weather report hoping it will warm up again before we stay permanently cool but unfortunately it seems fall is here to stay. Wish me luck because I am not sure I can survive a full Winter!

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