Sunday, September 7, 2014

School Starts!

Monday was Labor Day and so I appropriately spent most of the day laboring by going grocery shopping and cleaning the house. My mom and I did take a lunch break with Penelope to Olive Garden. We got "lucky" and the cook made the wrong pizza, so since we had to wait longer for him to remake it, we got a free pizza! Cheapest lunch I've ever had! Here's a pic of Miss P sleeping during our meal:

She looks deceivingly chunky. Reality is, though at one point she was back to her birth weight, she has lost weight again and now I'm having worries that I'm not making enough milk. This means I am having to constantly nurse her in hopes of upping my supply, which leaves me little time in the day for other things. I am also trying to eat things that are supposed to up milk supply and I am drinking lots of water. Hopefully when I go in for the weight check next week, her weight will be up again and I won't have to supplement with formula!

On Tuesday Steven started first grade at Kurtz Elementary. He is in a strange class this year. Basically it is two classrooms with no wall in between. So he has two teachers, Mrs. Rupp and Mrs. Klein. However, Mrs. Rupp is his homeroom teacher. Mrs. Rupp told me they do lessons as a whole group (both classes) and then return to their desks to practice the concept. It will be interesting to see how this works for him. I hope he won't be distracted by the 47 kids in the room, especially since 2 of his friends from church and his neighbor are in that room.

Lucy wanted to hold the sign too and wear a backpack and who can say no to that cuteness?

This week has definitely been adjustment now that I have to wake up and get ready in time to take Steven to school. It was so nice to have my mom there so I didn't have to load all the kids in to take him to school and back. I'm not sure how I am going to get through this next week without her. It is so hard to manage the other kids when I am constantly breastfeeding. It equals lots of yelling from the couch on my part. Anyways, here are some cute pictures of Grandma with her babies:

On Wednesday evening we went to our photographer's home to get Penelope's newborn pictures done but it did not go well at all. First off Steven was not cooperating and being a total stinker for the family pics. And second off, after doing one "pose" for the pictures, Penelope began to cry and wouldn't calm down for anything. Thankfully we have a great photographer and she offered to come to my house for a redo on Thursday. And thankfully Penny decided to cooperate Thursday and I think the pics are going to turn out great. Here is one she put on Facebook to preview:

And I'll end with a Steven story. Last week Steven informed Grandma that at nighttime spirits surround his bed but in the morning they go back to Heaven. When Tyler and I asked him about this, he repeated that information and added, "And sometimes, when no one is looking Jesus comes too." Tyler asked him what Jesus says to him and Steven's reply was, "Goodnight!" But of course! Isn't our kid just super spiritual!?

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