Saturday, April 12, 2014

Spring Break

I started off Spring Break trying to be a super fun mom! We painted, we hiked, we went to the library and the playground but by Wednesday, I was SO over being a super fun mom. 

The paintings turned out cute but only because my OCD self couldn't handle their swirly painting in of shapes and had to take over at times. It literally pained me to not be in control, I have issues... 

The hike was super awesome because we saw wild turkeys and heard them gobble and Steven was convinced they were responding to his gobbles...But it wasn't awesome because Benny whined the whole walk back and Lucy insisted on being carried back and Steven, of course, was not happy about leaving.

The playground wasn't even a little fun because Lucy decided to throw a tantrum over the fact there were no swings for her and the tantrum lasted the ENTIRE time.

SO on Wednesday, I said to myself, "Self, let's go nowhere and plan nothing and see how that goes." And my self agreed.

And this is how it went. My kids blew bubbles in the back yard and played with side walk chalk and made up games in which Steven bought gas from me and then took Benny and Lucy on wagon tours of our backyard and garage...

And they even decided on their own to make some paper bag puppets in which all I had to do was print something off and then they did the rest...

And I was also able to finish a book in two whole days because they pretty much entertained themselves. So Wednesday and Thursday were lovely days.

Then Friday came. On Friday we were invited by some church friends to go to the Detroit Zoo and since I want to make friends and I want my kids to make friends, we went. And I really did enjoy socializing with super nice adults BUT I did not enjoy the drama my children put me through. There was a reason I had decided to stop going places on previous days- I think I am just not as adept as I used to be with taking all three kids out in public by myself.

Benny and Lucy could never decide on whether they wanted to be in or out of the wagon. When Lucy was out it was so hard to keep track of her while keeping track of Steven who kept running off ahead with his friends. And then near the end Lucy just lost it, but in her defense it was past bedtime. SO I ended up pulling all 3 kids in the wagon, as quickly as possible from one side of the very long zoo to the other. There were definite moments where I thought I was going to collapse and even in this beautiful 60 degree weather, I was sweating up a storm. They were quite the load. 

But the kids had fun making new friends- so though it felt deathly awful at the end- it was worth it I suppose....

And today we ventured out again, not because I was feeling braver, but because it's Saturday and Tyler's home and everything is much easier when you have your husband. So we went to an Easter egg hunt at a park. The lines were crazy to do anything (like face paint or sit with the creepy Easter bunny) but the actual Easter egg hunt was perfect. They had the kids line up around the edges of the field and then let them loose. It was so fun to watch Steven dashing around in attempt to get as many eggs as possible. Tyler went with Benny and Lucy and apparently Lucy had absolutely no interest in picking up the eggs and Benny was very thoughtful and careful with each egg he got. 

Also this week I got my secondary ultrasound (since Penny was not cooperating the first time) and got some more fun picture of her. She is quite the poser, with her hand on cheeks and then later covering her face. Everything is still checking out well for her so at this point my 2 vessel umbilical cord doesn't seem to be affecting her:

1 comment:

  1. I'm exhausted reading how exhausting you are! That's awesome you've got some good friends there. Miss you guys
