Saturday, April 5, 2014

Our Newest Girl

This week we got to see our newest addition. Isn't she beautiful!? However beautiful she is though, she is already causing trouble. She did not want to cooperate during her ultrasound so now I get to go back next week for another one. Hopefully this time she won't be covering her heart with her hands. But that won't be my last ultrasound either. Thanks too her abnormal umbilical cord, I will need to get an ultrasound monthly. At our appointment we found out that her umbilical cord only has 2 vessels, instead of the usual 3. The doctor said it's nothing to worry about. They just have to monitor her monthly to make sure everything is growing properly. Of course I am going to worry though...

On another note, the gender reveal! We kept the gender secret from Benny at the appointment and Steven was at school during it SO when he got home we decided to reveal the gender to both of them in a fun way. We made two volcanoes out of play dough. Ben was rooting for a girl so he got the pink one. Steven was rooting for a boy so he got the blue one. In one their was baking soda, in the other corn starch. When they poured in the vinegar..Ben's exploded! Yes, it's true, we set Steven up for failure on this one and he was NOT happy about it. Not so much the fact that it was a girl but mostly the fact that his didn't explode. He immediately complained that we didn't give him enough vinegar and then proceeded to try and break his volcano. Oh that child has been on one lately...

And since we are having a girl, we have a name 98% decided on. There is always that 2% chance that we might change it but for now we're thinking Penelope Paige Hatch. We would call her Penny. Here was my inspiration for the name:

And here is the reason I believe Tyler is in complete agreeance with the name:

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