Sunday, October 27, 2013


This past weekend while we were eating dinner at Tyler's parents house Ben got a popsicle. He was told to go eat it outside. As most of you know Ben is a slow eater, so all the other kids had already eaten theirs and were back inside. A few minutes later Ben came back in crying. When asked why he replied, "It's too creepy out there!" Poor little scaredy cat Ben.

Also this week I learned that I might never really know what happens at school due to Stevens love of story telling. This past week he told me he spent all day in PE because his teacher was late picking him up. He even ate lunch there and had his own special table. Best day ever! Not true but knowing how much he loves PE, he wishes that would happen.

I think we can officially call Lucy a walker. She still crawls but she chooses to walk a lot more then she chooses to crawl. It is too much fun to watch her toddle about the house.

Tyler's sister Keshia had her baby girl Reese this week so Lucy is officially dethroned as the only Hatch granddaughter. Poor Lucy! But we are so happy that Keshia was able to have a beautiful and healthy baby girl and Steven sure was entranced by her little toes. 

And here are some pictures of the kids making Halloween cookies. We did it for FHE and attempted to deliver some to neighbors but it was dark outside when we went and I think the elderly are afraid of answering the door at that time. We made another attempt in the morning and Ben dropped the cookies on the street. It was at that point, I decided that they were just destined to be eaten by much for sharing...

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Ghost Returns

Last night I was dead asleep when an eerie sound awoke me. Tyler's phone? I wasn't sure so I whacked Tyler a few times until he was also awake (aren't I sweet) and then questioned him about the sound. We opened our door and the sound got louder, it was coming from downstairs and it sounded like classical music. Tyler found the source easily, it was Stevens I Pod  which was attached to Tyler's speakers. The song it was playing, "I See Dead People in Boats" from Pirates of the Caribbean. Creepy? Yes, of all songs to randomly turn on in the middle of the night it had to be that one! I blame our resident ghost.

On a less creepy note... Tyler's still having a tough time with school. But he's having good luck in the job department so we're hoping he graduates! One job possibility is in Chandler and another is in Michigan. Personally the Michigan one terrifies me but it would be an adventure if it pans out.

Also this week, I had a conference with Steven's teacher and it was all good news. He is doing well academically and his behavior is typically good (if only I could say all the time good but he is 5 and he is a Hatch ;) ) Anyways, it is so good to have him loving school and doing so well!

An update on Lucy: she can walk a handful of steps before falling on her bum, she says mama (usually when she is in desperate need of my attention), she is climbing on EVERYTHING (but especially chairs and this week she discovered the boys ladder on their bunk bed), she claps, waves her arms or just throws her food when she's done eating and she also has been growing a tooth which has made her very cranky.

Here are some fun pictures, most taken when I took the kids on walk at the temple this week:

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Vertuccio Farms

Yesterday we celebrated the end of Fall Break at Vertuccio Farms with Mike, Mecca, Oliver & Poppy (Tyler was busy with school work and didn't come).

 I had been there when I was a teenager for their giant corn maze and didn't realize they had other fun stuff for the kids. It was WAY cheaper than Schneph Farms and I think it was just as fun for the kids. 


-Ben going down a giant tube slide over and over again by himself with a huge grin plastered on his face! I was so proud of how brave he was. 

-Poppy & Lucy taking a ride on the barrel train- so precious!

- Getting to hang out with my handsome nephew and his parents:

- Steven and Ben having a blast on the air trampoline- it's like a giant unenclosed bounce house. Way too much fun! Ben would lay on his back on the side of it and let the bouncing of everyone else slide him down.

- Steven showing Poppy how he's mastered the monkey bars and all of us having some fun on a huge teeter totter.

-Steven also got to ride on a pedal car, the boys got to go through a ridiculously small & easy maze and there were some fun farm animals. 

We ended up not entering the giant corn maze because we were all to afraid of getting lost in it- plus the sun was out and pretty warm. But all in all lots of fun memories were made and it was the perfect end to a perfect Fall Break.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Fall Break Fun

The weather has continued to wow us with it's amazingness and with Steven out of school, we've had way too much fun this week. Prepare yourself for a picture OVERLOAD!

On Monday we took a trip down to the ASU Campus after dinner, to meet Tyler for some ice cream and cookies. After chowing down our yummy dessert, we took a walk around campus. It was so fun to reminisce, I have such good memories of going to school there.

On Tuesday and Wednesday we spent a lot of time outside- we went to the Riparian Preserve, Freestone Park and Tumble Weed Park (with my mom). The boys and Lucy are at their happiest when they are out in nature.

On Tuesday, Steven also took some time to draw some spooky Halloween pictures on a small whiteboard I have:

And on Thursday we had our biggest adventure, we went to visit my friend, Katrin, and her daughter, Anika, in Tucson. The drive up was HORRIBLE :( It got super rainy and there were lots of big trucks and my windows got foggy and I just got freaked out. I HATE driving in yucky weather, I'm not sure what I'm going to do if we move somewhere where it actually snows! 

Once we were there though, the rain had cleared up and all was well. We packed a lunch and headed to the Tucson Zoo. Lucy hadn't taken a afternoon nap but she was super fun and happy the whole time. And the boys overall did pretty good.

Ben had gotten an owie the day before and insisted on holding up his pant leg much of the time because he didn't want it to touch the Band-Aide. So weird:

Some highlights were picnicking in the grass, the kids chasing around the random Peacocks that strolled the grounds, a Grizzly Bear resting by the glass of it's cage and then eating, some Lemurs having a screaming contest and a Giraffe munching on some food by the fence...

Can you tell that I am having way to much fun with photo apps?

After the zoo it was nap time for Ben & Lucy & Anika. While they slept me & Steven had some fun taking pictures:

And when they woke up they had some fun too:

Then it was time for some yummy dinner of baked potatoes and chili cheese hot dogs. After that we took a walk over to a nearby Jr. High and let the boys get some wiggles out before we headed home. I was amazed by how many laps (Benny included!) they made around that track.

The drive home was TERRIBLE again. My night vision isn't so fabulous and once again--lots of trucks! And these trucks feel this constant need to pass each other and hang out in the middle and left lanes instead of the far right one. OI! But we survived and at least the kids behaved for me.

So although having Steven home to constantly fight with his brother can make me a little crazy, we have had fun and it's been nice not having to follow a strict schedule with waking up and naps and other such things. Tomorrow we are going to celebrate our last day of Fall Break by going to Vertuccio Farms with my family- super excited :)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Liar Monster

For FHE this past week we read a story about a kid who told some lies, and each time he lied the Liar Monster grew. I forgot to take my own pic so here is the pic of the Liar Monster from the website I got it from:

After the lesson Steven kept asking if the Liar Monster was in our house and what other monsters were in our house. I felt very much like the whole point of the lesson was missed BUT in the end I have found their belief in the Liar Monster to be very useful. For example....

We were at the park and the boys were climbing up the slide and I heard Ben cry and then saw Steven ascending the slide. I asked Steven what happened and he said, "Ben just fell." So I said, "Come closer so I can see if the Liar Monster is behind you." And then, suddenly he said, "I only pushed him a little." (genuine fear in his voice). And then he asked for confirmation that the truth had destroyed the Liar Monster.

Later on that same day we had another incidence of dishonesty where he told me that the bowl on the table was not his. I told him the Liar Monster was back and he quickly amended his lie. And then, because I am evil, as he turned around I growled at him. I have never seen that kid jump so high!

Anyways, I'm not sure if using fear is really the best way to get Steven to be more truthful but I will say it has been quite successful, regardless.

And also this week, the weather has been wonderful! That has meant lots of outdoor time for the kids: playing in the driveway, walks in the neighborhood and playdates in the park. 

We also entered the month of October this week which has made the kids SUPER excited for Halloween. The decorations are up and the dressing up is officially ok to do:

And with the beginning of October, we've had the blessing of watching General Conference this weekend. And we had a fun lunch date with my family in between conference sessions Saturday. Here is Lucy with her cute cousin, Oliver: