Monday, August 19, 2013

Another Post

This week we got spoiled and had 2 date nights. Friday night we went to the temple with Tyler's family so that we could see the new Endowment video. It was wonderful! All the words are the same so the message hasn't changed- only the presentation of the message. And it's amazing the difference new presenters can make. Afterwards we all went out to dinner to Mi Amigo's. Delicious food and good company :) 

Then Saturday night we had our date night swap so we went to visit Josh & Mary in the hospital. Tyler has known Josh since high school and just a few weeks ago he was in a motorcycle accident. In the accident he broke his trachea, arm, leg, and was basically just one big mess and blessed to have made it out alive. He is recovering well and can now talk which is miraculous in itself. His wife (due with baby #3 late October) has been a champ throughout. While we were there she relayed a story that a doctor had told her about when Josh had arrived at the hospital. Apparently they had no idea about his broken trachea and doctors were busy attending to a few people with gun shot wounds that had come in at the same time. But this doctor had a feeling she should go check on Josh. She took of the plastic brace they had put on his neck and discovered his broken trachea. She immediately put a trach? in and the doctor told Mary that he wouldn't have lasted 5 more minutes without it. Somebody was certainly looking out for Josh that day and we are so grateful that he's still here and will be able to meet his new baby in October.

Other news from this past week---- Ben won the battle against walking to school. After he cried the entire walk home Friday, I caved today and took our double stroller. Oh how I hate this double stroller- it's a pain to steer- but I think it was worth it. We got to school and home SO much faster and there were no tears. Lazy Ben wins the battle!...But maybe when the weather cools down the battle can begin again. 

If you ever ask Ben who his best friend is, he will usually say Boston. Today I got to watch Boston and Broden so Ben was in heaven. Here he is with his BF:

Lucy is already a social butterfly, she loves the walks to school. She gives great smiles to everyone and now she waves and says "Hi" to everyone too. It's super cute!

Since I had 2 extra kids today I wasn't the bestest mom ever and Lucy-- who will stick everything and anything into her mouth---decided to chew on some wooden thing that Steven had colored with red marker. Apparently the marker came off on her face... I'm sure that was healthy ;)

Steven is still loving school but I am not so sure school loves having him. Today his teacher said he did much better--- he only went to time out twice. Ugh! No time outs would be a better day but that might be asking for too much. He is having a really rough time at school (and at home) with keeping his hands to himself. He also apparently likes to blurt out and not raise his hands. He has been coming home with a major stubborn attitude. It has not been making our time together too fun. He is in need an attitude adjustment.

And Tyler starts what will hopefully be his last semester this Thursday. I'm saying lots of prayers for him because he has two tough labs and I REALLY need this to be his last semester.

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