Saturday, February 9, 2013


I tend to be to wordy when I complain so I will make a few abbreviated complaints- and then I will try to let go and be more positive!

1) My boss is frustrating me because she's giving me grief about paying me $100/month for rent, insurance, supplies. She just wants to pay for insurance and supplies and doesn't seem to think that using my house for her tutoring company warrants rent (Rebekka also tutors out of my home). She also wants to tell me exactly what to buy with the money (like a rug & a divider for the room, neither I feel necessary).

2) I just registered Steven for full day Kindergarten next year and that makes me sad because if I am still on this tutoring schedule I will never see my Steven. But I don't want him to behind academically and he doesn't learn well from me.

3) I cut off a sliver of my thumb this week with a kitchen knife and it was hard to go through most of the week without being able to use one of my thumbs normally.

4) I wish Lucy would just nurse normally again and not constantly be screaming at me when I try to feed her. It stresses me out!

And the complaints are done so I will end with a sweet story:

We had just dropped Steven off at preschool & Ben asked me why Steven had to go to preschool. I told him he needed to go there to learn (about "Sponge Bob" right!?). Ben replied, "But he's my friend and I NEED him!" Obviously I won't be the only one missing Steven next year!

1 comment:

  1. Aw cute Ben! Your poor finger! That's horrible and not fun. I hope you figure our your Lucy girl.
