Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Spooky Birthday

Here's my little thumb sucking, blanket baby on his 5th birthday with his brother & dad. We told Ben to suck his thumb too- pretty great that he did it ;). Steven got to spend 3 hours of his birthday at church but he was super happy about it because he got sung to, and was given a lollipop. His sweet Sunday school teacher also brought over a ridiculously large cupcake- lucky kid!

So Tyler was supposed to make Steven's graveyard cake, he is the cake making genius of the family, but he is a busy guy so I ended up making it. I am NOT the cake making genius of the family but it turned out ok. The ghosts were bananas that I covered with frosting which sounded easy in theory but was ridiculously hard to do. In front there are Sour Patch Kids candy which Steven put there because he said they were zombies.

Steven was SO excited to blow out his candle but at the last minute (mid- birthday song) his cousin blew it out for him!! Lucky for him, his Aunt Melissa saved the day and it was lit again before the song ended- phew!

His gifts from me & his dad were a Penguin Dream Lite, a remote control car & a space shuttle Mater. He was a happy, (and spoiled) little boy.

Lucy looked super cute at his party but my usually happy girl didn't want to smile for the camera.

And Steven was so glad this cute family could attend his party- he absolutely adores his cousin Oliver!

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