Sunday I taught my primary class and they were not in a very focused mood. It was a rough. I tried to talk to them about taking Christ's name upon them and how that should affect their behavior but they just acted like ruffians instead. I am looking forward to the break we will get from teaching next week for mother's day. That evening Mariah came over with her family to hang out. It was a nice day so we sat out on the porch. She gave us on update on how things are going with Tyler's sister who is living at home and it's not going well. The husband is doing a lot of crappy things and it looks like Tyler's parents might be kicking him out soon.
Monday was busy- we had school work, cleaning house, picking up groceries, Lucy had her friend over and Ben had his annual check up. Ben was happy that he didn't have to get any shots but he did have to have her check is privates and that was awkward for him.
Wednesday Ruby had her annual check up and she hasn't gained much weight since her last visit. She is just 21 pounds. I think she is finally slowing down in her weight gain. Since Ruby has been congested and fussy at times, I had the doctor check her ears. The doctor said they were red but not to worry about antibiotics unless she gets a fever, gets more fussy or has puss coming out of her ears. I guess they don't prescribe antibiotics as easily as they used to and I am not sure how I feel about that. Other than that Ruby is doing just great. She's a crawling machine and starting to pull up on things- Ben found her standing up in her bassinet the other day which is not safe. As far as food, she still mostly likes purees but did eat a meatball I gave her this past week and some of a cooked potato.
Wednesday evening we had to be in 3 places at once so having the extra car really came in handy. Tyler took Lucy to soccer practice, I took Penny to a chuch activity and Steven picked up Ben from his soccer practice. Everyone got where they needed to be!
Thursday was the older 3's last day of in person classes at Renaissance. They did an award's ceremony- Penny got a good citizen award- and then they did a little ceremony for the eighth graders. Hard to believe I will have 2 kids in high school next year! After the ceremony they had an indoor field day (due to rain) so I wandered around watching the kids at their various activities. It totally took up my whole social battery making small talk with all the various parents I know, but it was nice that I finally know some more parents. It makes me a bit sad that we won't be in the hybrid program next year, but I am hoping we will be happier with doing our own language arts and Math programs next year because we have not been so happy with the their curriculum.

Thursday night we went to Mariah's house to celebrate Jessie's birthday. The cake and ice cream were really good. They brought out the Wii game "Just Dance" and made me dance which is not really my thing...the things I do to fit in with his family.
Friday the kids went to the temple. It is really nice when Steven will drive with no complaint. That meant that the rest of us got to go to Culvers for dinner and run a quick errand at Target. Here's my older 3 at the temple.
Later that night the coolest thing happened. I had seen on the internet that you might be able to see the Northern lights all over Michigan but I thought it probably wasn't very likely...until someone in Commerce posted some pics. We went outside and thought we saw a faint change in the sky but upon further research discovered that they are hard to see with the naked eye but a camera with an open shutter could catch them. I put my phone camera on night mode and got some really amazing pics. Some shots from by our beach and some from our backyard.

Saturday morning we had games in two places at once. Tyler took the girls to their game in Milford (they lost 1-3) and I took Ben to his game. Ruby also went to Ben's game with me and Mariah and her kids met us there. It turned out to be much colder than we expected. I had brought an extra blanket and warmer coat for Ruby but thought it wasn't so bad out and left them in the car. I regretted that because we were parked super far away so we just had to do without that extra warmth. Ben had a really good soccer day. They won 8 to 0- the coach on the other team was not happy. You could hear him yelling and he made his team run laps after. Funny enough, the seminary president from our area had a kid on the other team. It felt random seeing him there. Having Mariah there with her kids was interesting- everyone was super friendly to her. These parents that haven't talked to me for all the years I have been going to Ben's games, were chatting it up with her and suddenly really cheering on Ben. It was so weird. I guess they just like people who cheer loudly like them. Maybe I make them uncomfortable because I am quiet? On our way home from the game I threw a banana peel out the window and someone who passed by yelled that I was an a**hole. That was offensive. I threw it straight down so it didn't hit them and the peel is biodegradable so I'm not sure why they had to call me that. Rude. I sort of wished their car had slipped on it.
After all the games Tyler took Steven to the Jimmy John's he supposedly got hired at, just so he could scope it out. Tyler says Steven seems less anxious about working there, now having seen it, but still no word on when he will actually set foot into the store to work. All the paperwork is in and the lady said she would check with the area manager on when he might start but he still hasn't heard back from her. It's annoying to me because I can't exactly make him keep looking for a job but he doesn't really have a job either.
On another note, Lucy used the money she made babysitting and power washing to buy herself some rollerskates and pads. They came Friday evening and she has been rollerskating in the kitchen sense. The weather has been bad but hopefully next week we can get her outside skating. It's probably best for her to start out inside though, she looks like a baby deer trying to walk ;)