Sunday, September 18, 2022

Sports, Car Fixed

Monday morning we fed the seminary students a FEAST while they used the acronym FEAST to write a devotional (find scrip, explain, apply, story, testimony). That day we were able to borrow a friend's car so that we could get everyone to all the places they needed to be. That was a relief because we had Steven at a tennis match in Novi, the girls at soccer practice in Milford (Penny's first time playing soccer) and Ben at soccer practice in West Bloomfield. Miraculously the tennis game ended at a time that didn't interfere with pick ups and drop offs for soccer. At this match Steven wasn't totally creamed, his partner and him lost 3-8. And interestingly enough, one of his teachers from Renaissance was the coach of the team he was playing against. Out in Milford, the girls loved their first day of soccer practice and made new friends and I hope their excitement lasts.

At 11pm Monday night I received a text from one of the seminary guardians complaining that our class was giving their teen anxiety. We literally have put no pressure on anyone to answer questions, give devotionals, etc because we have had this teen before in our callings. The text was super frustrating not just in content but also that it disrupted me trying to sleep. I ended up texting her the next day, and I let her know that it is not ok to text a seminary teacher at 11pm at night. Her response was that her teen insisted she text me right then. Who is in charge? This teen is frustrating and I feel like her guardian enables her. This teen also causes drama when I drive her to school, fighting with her brother and talking about all the boys that love her. It feels like it is going to be a long school year.

Tuesday morning we did Lego's to build the outcome of following Satan vs the outcome of following God (Israel's destruction vs blessings of those who stick with Christ). This class didn't spend as long building lego's as our previous class did. A new class has so many things to adjust to. Then while my kids were at school, I met Stefanie at a Coney Island for breakfast. I think we both had a really nice vent session about life. It felt good to finally do something for myself on a day without the kids. Typically I manage to fill the time with errands and tasks around the house and somehow the day slips away and I haven't just sat down and enjoyed the silence. 

Tuesday evening I went Bunco. I had debated going because the above mentioned seminary guardian would be there too but I ended up going. I pretty much avoided that woman like the plague and when we ended up at the same table rolling dice, I just smiled politely. I did not want to be pulled into that drama on my girl's night out. The food was good, I had fun with everyone else that was there, managed to roll dice despite my bum finger, I won a prize (fancy hair products) and the woman who hosted (Debbie) showed us her art studio and art. She is really talented and I would love to have her teach me her ways. I need more art in my life. 

Wednesday morning switched to Tyler teaching seminary, it was a welcome relief. I was sooo tired that day. I passed out right as Ben and I finished reading his school book and then I dreamed about being so tired that I had to park a car in a weird spot so I could sleep. I think when your dreams are about being tired you must be really tired. Seminary is definitely taking a toll on me. Also Wednesday, miracle of all miracles happened- my car was done! I am so glad to have my car back, even if I still have anxiety that it's going to die on me. I have trust issues. That evening I used my car to take Ben and 3 friends to the church activity in Novi. Even with the car fixed, I still feel annoyed with these activities all over the place. I was even more annoyed when I was 5 minutes away from the activity and they cancelled it. The kids still wanted to do something so we stopped at Kroger's for some candy and then I took them to my house to do do some outdoor hide and seek. We made the best of a bum situation.

Thursday I spent the time while the kids were at school rooting through more junk, making cinnamon rolls, making another casserole for dinner and running a couple errands. That afternoon  Steven had tennis practice, then the girls and Ben had soccer practice. I thought doing a casserole would make dinner time easier but it was tricky because I had to leave to get Steven while it was still cooking. Family dinners are getting hard. After a rushed meal Tyler took Ben to soccer and I took the girls to soccer. The girls' soccer practice is right next to the Milford library so I dropped them off and then went into the library and enjoyed some quiet time planning seminary lessons. It was nice to have some quiet time but also hard to come home from practice with the house still a mess from dinner and seminary needing to be set up. 

Friday was more tiredness, trying to stay awake while working on homeschool stuff with the kids. I snapped at Ben when I was starting to drift off and he insisted on my help right at that moment. It was 9am, he had plenty of time to do his work. Ugh. After lunch Lucy had a reading assessment at Renaissance and then I took both girls to get haircuts after that. The person we have cut their hair had said she would be working at that time but she was not. I think she had a family emergency or something which stinks for her obviously but also it was super disappointing. I am fine with just anybody giving Penny's hair a trim but I prefer someone trustworthy to cut Lucy's pixie hair. In the end, Penny's hair looks better with all the dead ends gone. Lucy's hair is ok but the front is still a little longer than I would like.

Friday evening I made Tyler take me to the movie "See How They Run." It was pretty fun and made for a nice night out. 

Saturday morning the girls had their first soccer game. To be honest I was worried it was going to be a disaster. My girls are no pro's and that league has not been so good in the past. But their team did really well and I was impressed with the girls and their efforts. In the end their team won 5-0. And although Penny didn't contribute too much to the win, Lucy did assist with a goal.

Saturday afternoon Ben had a soccer game in Dearborn. His team lost 2-5. It was rough game. The other team was really agressive and his team seemed to give up near the end. It was a bit hard to watch. But I did finally meet another soccer mom during the game. Turns out her oldest also goes to Northern. Maybe I'll finally have some friends at soccer?

And we'll end with Steven's rockin' tennis pic:

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