Saturday, October 17, 2020

Port Huron

Well last week was probably a bit of a fluke because homeschooling did not go nearly as well this week. It was slow escalation of badness until it all erupted Wednesday. Monday was ok, not great, some minor issues with kids. Tuesday a few more issues and then Wednesday just lots of melt downs. The boys both struggled with math, even with me helping them and there were just lots of tears from all of us. It didn't help that my friend had had an emergency and needed me to watch her kids that morning. So not only was the math difficult but they just wanted to finish so they could play with their friends who were over. Their friends got to witness all the tears. It was super. I just wish I was better at being flexible. With the friends over I probably should've just cancelled for the rest of the day but I hate getting behind so instead I trudged through and the day was a disaster. That evening Tyler and I had some good heart to hearts with Steven and Ben. We discussed what they could do when they were getting frustrated to help themselves calm down. We also set up consequences for when they don't calm down. Thursday and Friday went much more smoothly but I'm not super optimistic that the smoothness will continue. I think homeschooling is just going to be a rollercoaster of good and bad.

Besides homeschooling I had some busy evenings. Monday a group of ladies from church had a surprise birthday party for Nancy. She lost her daughter to suicide a couple months ago so she really needed this extra love. It wasn't exactly a group of my closest buddies so I felt a little out of place at times- I really hate big group things- but I am glad I was able to help make her day a little happier.

Tuesday was Bunco. Nancy is in our group so we did another little birthday celebration for her at Bunco. She was grateful but had a moment where she really struggled with her emotions. Suicide is so painful for those it leaves behind. Loss is so hard. She got me tearing up too. 

Wednesday evening we had a bonfire for the younger girl's activity. It was at the house of one girl who hasn't been to an activity for probably a year- also the girl who told me she doesn't need any friends. She pretty immediately took off from the fire and went and sat on her trampoline. Thankfully the other girls went over and sat with her. I had a nice chat with our new advisor while they chatted about who knows what. Then they all came back for a bit and I got this girl to pinky promise that she would come to another activity---if we have it at Biggby (apparently they make great hot cocoa). I am glad we were able to go to her house and she could have some time with the girls and hopefully we'll see her at our Biggby activity ;).

Thursday after we finished our school work I took the 3 youngest on a field trip to Port Huron (it's 1.5 hours away). There is this place called Sprout City there that is basically like a mini city for kids. We were literally the only people there the whole time and even though it was a really cold day, I think the kids had fun. Afterwards they played in the nearby park and rolled down it's big hills. Lucy was so nervous to roll down the hill but once she started it was just a mass giggle fest of all 3 of them rolling down.

When we were done at the park, we drove 2 minutes to see the Fort Gratiot Lighthouse. Yes, I have been there several times before but it was sooo close! I had to go again! The kids begrudgingly took pictures with me- Penny most especially.  

Friday after our schoolwork we met some friends at Central Park in Milford. I gave Steven some spending money and told him he could walk into town with his friend and get a treat. It felt so weird letting him be independent like that. When did he get so old? I also couldn't seem to remember just how old he was. As we were driving home I realized that I had told my friend that he was 11 almost 12. And I think at one point I did say his correct age, 12. She must think I am losing it since I can't keep track of my own kid's age. Homeschooling really does make me braindead by the end of the day.

Saturday I cleaned the house and then attended a yw's training for our area. In it we were told the yw should be having weekly class presidency meetings. This is coming from the general authorities and I know I should be on board but I am just not. I thought the church had been trying too move away from too many meetings and now it feels like we're regressing. I am just not a fan of meetings and this feels like too much. Tyler says if you have them more frequently they should be shorter and while that's a nice thought, reality might pan out differently. Really I am just in a grumbly mood in general, and probably just in need of an attitude adjustment.

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