Monday I took the girls to swim at a friend Tracey's house. It was really nice to catch up with my friend and the girls had fun. Lucy loved their water slide and Penny loved playing with my friend's older son. Penny really has a thing for older boys. Penny did not want to go down the slide but withe some coaxing from my friend's son, she finally did. She did not love it because she forgot to plug her nose and got water up it.
Steven, Ben and Grams flew in Tuesday evening.I would like to say that I was super happy to have the boys back but there was pretty much immediate grumbling and fighting from them both. Those boys of mine are exhausting.
Wednesday we had a park play date with the Mays and that evening was my youth activity. For our youth activity we went on a hike at the West Bloomfield Nature Park. This place actually had some hills and it was kind of exhausting. We got a little lost too so we added some length to our trek but I like hanging out with the younger girls. They are all pretty goofy and make me laugh with their antics- like their insistence of reading every bench dedication and naming of trees.
Thursday was Penny's birthday. We started out with the typical Lucky Charms and opening gifts. Grams and Poppy Brady gave her a helmet and Marshall from Paw Patrol. Grams and Poppy Hatch gave her a Barbie and Zuma from Paw Patril. We got her a watch and Polly Pocket. Ben spent $20 of his own money and got her a Barbie with puppies. That was really kind of him.
One of Penny's many requests for her birthday was a smoothie so I got her one. I was surprised that she mostly drank that giant thing all by herself- I only had a few sips.
After getting the smoothie the kids helped me to decorate cupcakes for Penny's birthday party at the beach. There was a lot of washing of their hands because they kept licking their fingers after they "glued" on the Teddy Grahams and other candy onto the cupcake.
When we finished the cupcakes, I got to work on Penny's Pinterest inspired cake. It wasn't too terribly difficult and I am quite proud of the outcome.
We spent the afternoon at the beach with the May's, Bloomfield's, Farquharson's and Schneider's. She got so spoiled. Peter got her a unicorn stuffie, Jessie gave her $20 of his own money (I could not believe that! That was super generous for a 6 year old), Beck and Eva got her candy and a balloon and Wynn got her a Target giftcard and lollipops. We have such a good crew and, besides Steven's persistent complaints of boredom, it was a good beach bash.

Dinner was complicated, Penny originally requested someplace with a good milkshake so we thought Sonic. But after all the sweets I asked her if she still wanted Sonic for a milkshake or if she wanted somewhere else. She decided she would like Chili's instead so we went, even though they were butts last time and wouldn't let us all sit together. When we got there they told us it would be at least a 45 minute wait and likely our two tables would not be together. With this terrible news we decided to go back to our first choice of Sonic. Unfortunately that was all the way back by our house so we had taken a 30 minute detour for nothing. Double unfortunately, Steven was suddenly super emotional about Sonic because he was super wanting Chili's and everything at Sonic sounded gross to him. It was a lot of unnecessary drama from him but in the end, at least Penny was real happy about getting a strawberry milkshake.

After our complicated dinner we sang "happy birthday" to Miss Penny and chowed down on her beach cake.
Friday we had Jenna and Evan over for the day. They are such well behaved kids. They play so well with my kids and are always so polite, grateful, and kind. It led to a really good day. We spent the afternoon at the beach where they discovered what they believed to be clay and decided they were going to make pottery to sale. It was most definitely just sand but the kids all had fun pretending.
For dinner Grams took us to Olive Garden. They allowed us to sit together there and only made us wait for 15 minutes so I am definitely happier with them than Chili's. We all filled up on Fettuccine Alfredo. At one point we were joking with Steven about kissing girls and he suddenly started talking about Terraria. When Tyler asked what that had to do with kissing girls he replied, "I just wanted to change the subject." Smart kid, lol. Then when we were in the car I complained about Penny bringing home the restaurant menu saying I wasn't happy about having more garbage in my house. Her reply was, "I need more garbage!"
Saturday we went to a pool party at my friend Moly's house. She and her friend Brooke are the cooler ladies in my ward and I even though they are super nice, I always feel a bit out of place. The kids had a blast though. As much as they love the beach, I think a pool was a nice change for them.
That night we all met the May family at Schell Family Farm to take pictures in a sunflower field. She has a fancy camera that she wanted to try out on my family and hers. Tyler was super grumpy about it so the car ride there was less than great. The pictures would have been perfect if it hadn't been for Lucy and Ben having bright red sunburns around their eyes from swimming all afternoon. But I still think they turned out pretty good. Afterwards we all at some yummy doughnuts and had apple cider slushies. It turned into a really nice evening.
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