Friday, August 7, 2020

Arizona with the Boys

We drove into Arizona Wednesday and I flew back to Michigan the following Tuesday (the boys are staying with their Bowman cousins for an extra 2 weeks before flying back with my mom). I wasn't there super long but I was able to spend a good amount of time with my brother and his family and that was real nice. Ben and Oliver had a lot of fun playing Lego's together, Steven really loved playing Minecraft Dungeons on the Playstation with Oliver and Ben, and I enjoyed reading books to my nieces and showing them pictures on my phone. And we were able to do a nice little church session with them in which I taught a lesson, Mike did a spotlight on one of our ancestors and Steven, Poppy and Mike all helped with the sacrament.

I was also able to go to Costa Vida, Mi Amigo's and the Cheesecake Factory so all my cravings were fulfilled. And I even spent an evening with my in laws in which Tyler's mom presented me with a delicious cake topped with strawberries as an early birthday celebration which was really nice and I spent another evening roaming Target with my sister-in-law Melissa. All and all I think I filled my time well and had an enjoyable, albeit ridiculously hot, visit in Arizona.

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